Healthy School Snacks for Your Children

Naturally, most of our dieting discussions are for our own benefit – but for those of us with families, what we eat affects everyone.

And if we are working hard to change our own lifestyles for a healthier future, it makes sense to make it a family affair.

After all, if we can help our children make good food habits now then there is a much stronger likelihood they will carry on with them for the rest of their lives.

bowl of salad with avocado, lettuce, lemon, and tomatoes

One big ‘but’ before we carry on with some top snacking suggestions – it is very important not to dwell on the weight loss you may be seeking for yourself as you work to have healthier family meals, but the positives of eating good, nutritious food for body development. Losing weight for children should only be done with medical guidance.

Children’s dietary needs are different as they are growing and misplaced words, even with good intent, can cause body image issues for many children and young people, especially in their teenage years.

With our children in full back-to-school mode, the need to pack snacks in their school backpacks is now part of our grocery shopping once more. Whether we are just packing a recess treat or it is our turn for whole-class snacks, it can be easy to just grab a multipack of chips or candy bars.

But there are so many more ways to send a snack to delight your child, and help expand their taste horizons, all while building a positive approach to healthy foods.

If you are catering for a whole class, remember you will never please everyone regardless of what you send in – and even if a fussy eater declines to try something new, they will at least see all their friends give it a go.

A few tips before we dive in though – while many of our diet blogs and tips sing the praises of nuts loudly for their fiber, protein, and healthy fats, do not send any to a school. Many schools are nut-free zones as while the risk of a bad nut allergy reaction may be small, the result is simply not worth it.

Get your child involved in choosing the snack – taking ownership means they are more likely to eat it, so offer a carefully curated choice, and also think of individual portions. Cleaner, easier to dispense, and less of a mess for the teacher to deal with afterward.

bowls of vanilla yogurt and strawberries

Believe it or not, providing healthier snacks can be done off the shelf, too, so it does not require more work for the hassled parent.

Replace doughnuts with banana muffins, and chips for pita chips – add some hummus for a dip and maybe throw in a carrot stick, too.

Cheese is always popular with children, but try a Babybel in its distinctive red wax which children love to unpeel, and add a slice of fruit with it to bring a contrasting texture.

Yogurt is a healthy snack halfway between a drink and a solid, and is available in fun tubes in lots of flavors, just keep an eye on the different brands for sugar levels. Nut-free granola can add texture and fiber.

Trail mix – again, be careful with nuts – can offer a little chocolate treat mixed in with dried fruits and seeds, and a simple banana is always a winner.

Raisins are sold in easy snack-sized portions and are great for grazing. They also mix well with yogurt for sweetness and chewiness. Some fruits are perfect – the citrus family of clementines or mandarins are great as they are small, easy to peel for little fingers but well protected from getting mushed by their skin, and split into segments for devouring.

Granola bars – again, check for nuts – offer a huge variety of ingredients for taste and texture and mix well with fresh fruit. Popcorn is healthier than chips and is sold in many flavors, ideal for small snacks, and dried fruits include apple and banana chips as well as raisins and cranberries.

Crackers and cheese is always popular, and if chips are required by your child, try a baked rather than fried variety.

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