What is Cellulite and How Can You Keep it at Bay?


No one likes to have their legs compared to food, but describing cellulite as having an “orange peel” or “cottage cheese “ texture truly isn’t that far from the mark. Cellulite—a skin condition that causes lumps and dimples in the skin around the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen— is harmless and extremely common. Somewhere between 80% and 90% of women will experience cellulite at some point in their lives. It can affect both men and women, but the specific distribution of fat, muscle, and connective tissue present in the female body makes women far more susceptible to this condition. Certain habits and factors, both self-imposed and hereditary, can exacerbate the condition, but treatments are available to those seeking to minimize the appearance of cellulite on their bodies. 

As far as reasons for the condition, there’s no one definite precipitating factor. Experts agree only that multiple causes seem to contribute to the creation of cellulite. Age and hormones play an important role in its development since menopause decreases blood flow to the connective tissue under the skin that needs to remain taut in order for skin to stay smooth. As we get older, our skin naturally begins to sag and become thinner. This reduced elasticity can increase the possibility of developing cellulite. Furthermore, certain genetic factors, such as metabolism, ethnicity, and underlying fat distribution, can greatly contribute to the likelihood that one may develop cellulite. So, since it’s clear that some culprits of cellulite development are out of our hands, the first step in managing yours is acceptance. However, there are definitely some specific actions you can take to minimize your chances of developing this cosmetic skin condition. 

Maintaining an active lifestyle and consuming a healthy diet are two of the best decisions you can make that experts believe can help reduce the initial appearance of cellulite. Also, as is the case with almost every health condition, cosmetic and otherwise, smoking is believed to worsen symptoms. If you smoke, you should quit, but you already knew that. Another important step that experts believe can ward off cellulite before it forms is by using sunscreen properly— daily, if you’re in a particularly sunny climate. That way, you’ll still get all the healthy vitamin D the sun provides but can keep symptoms of leathery, sagging skin from proliferating. Maintaining your skin’s elasticity equates to a lower likelihood of developing those dreaded food-like legs. Unfortunately, most of us won’t start thinking about cellulite until we’re already showing symptoms. 

For as long as women have been experiencing cellulite, they’ve also been trying to come up with ways to eradicate it. So, you have options. Typically, those with cellulite first turn to creams containing either caffeine or retinol, which help by dehydrating fat cells or plumping skin cells respectively. You could also elect to have non-invasive or minimally-invasive techniques performed to improve circulation and tighten the skin. These therapies include acoustic wave therapy and laser treatments. Alternatively, multiple techniques use injections or tiny incisions to smooth cellulite, such as subcision, carboxytherapy, and vacuum-assisted precise tissue release. There are also supplements that have been effective at smoothing the appearance of cellulite.

As an alternative to western medicine, some effective home remedy options exist. For instance, body exfoliation with a loofah sponge or firm body brush improves blood flow and can help to evenly disperse fat cells under the skin. If you've never tried body brushing, give it a shot! In addition to helping reduce the appearance of cellulite, this ancient technique is excellent for the lymphatic system and the body's detoxification process. 

But, no matter what treatment you choose, the fact is that there truly is no cure-all to permanently remove all the cellulite from your body once it has formed. If you visit a salon or dermatologist who suggests they can do this, your next move should be to find a new expert consultant. Treating cellulite by any method doesn’t halt the aging process. So, moving forward, regardless of what treatment you opt for, remember to bring your acceptance and self-love right along with you!

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