Why is soy wax better for your health?

Take the lid off and sniff! How else would you make a decision on which candle to buy for your home? Do you check the label to see what kind of wax you will be burning? Does it matter? The majority of mass produced candle companies may have soy as an ingredient, but the candles are not made from soy wax. Paraffin is the most commonly used candle wax today. Beeswax, soy wax, palm wax, gels, and synthesized waxes are also used in candle-making for the U.S. market, as are blends of waxes. Out of all the options soy wax is the best for a clean burning candle with none of the dangers you may not even be aware of while burning your favorite scent from a big name candle company. Who would have thought that even more important than how the candle smells is what it is made from. Find out why seeing soy wax on the label means you are getting a candle better for your health and the health of the environment.

Health Benefits of Soy Wax vs. Other common Candle Wax:

  1. Soy Wax is Non-Toxic - The most common areas of the home to burn a candle; bathrooms, bedrooms, and dining rooms are all commonly closed in areas where if paraffin wax is burned it can cause asthma or even lung cancer. Paraffin wax is derived from petroleum, and when it's burned it releases carcinogenic toxins such as benzene, toluene, and formaldehyde. These are the same toxins released when burning diesel fuel. Unfortunately, most of the candles on the market today are made from paraffin or a paraffin blend. The good news is there is another option, Soy wax candles are nontoxic! Soy wax is a vegetable wax and does not release any toxins into the air.

  2. Soy Wax Burns Clean - When a paraffin wax candle is burned it produces a black soot that can stain curtains, walls, and carpets inside your home. If it carries that type of danger, inhaling it can’t be good for your health. As a vegetable-based wax, soy wax does not give off any harmful byproducts, and all you smell is its beautiful scent, isn’t that why you light a candle in the first place?

  3. Soy Wax is Natural, Renewable and Vegan - Derived from the soybean, soy wax is a hydrogenated vegetable oil that turns to a solid at room temperature. You can even make your own soy wax from soybeans at home. Most farmers rotate their soybean crops with corn production, and the husks are used as animal feed; it’s renewable and environmentally efficient. Being made from petroleum, paraffin wax produces toxins when burned. Beeswax is another substitute for paraffin, it also is natural and burns cleaner, but in order to get it, bees are displaced and harmed. 

  4. Soy Wax is Less Likely to Burn Your Skin - Everyone has had that brief moment of agony when a drop of hot wax makes it onto their skin. It is unpleasant and while it cools fast, it is still possible to suffer a minor burn. From a safety standpoint, soy wax is the better choice because it has a lower melting point than paraffin. This means less risk of burns should you accidentally spill melted wax onto your skin.

As we are no longer living in a time where candles are a necessity for daily life, the reason behind them is to provide a great smelling addition to any room. Soy wax is natural and a much better alternative to the more popular candle waxes because of all the benefits to your health, the environment, and even the health of your pets. The same benefits soy wax provides to your health also make the smell stronger and cleaner. Because soy wax burns cleaner than paraffin wax, the scent from its essential oils is more pleasant and stronger-smelling.  Also, because soy wax burns at a lower heat and creates a larger melt pool, the oils evaporate better from a larger surface area, releasing more scent into the air. Why would you choose anything else? Next time you are looking for the perfect candle to add to your collection, be sure to find one that is made from soy wax! You can even make your own candle, find a candle pouring studio near you and create your very own safe and healthy candle scented exactly as you desire!

Rocky Creek Candle Company

Rocky Creek Candle Company is a locally owned candle shop in Fairview, Texas. We offer retail candles, fragrance products, and bath & body products as well as a DIY custom experience in our store.


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