Best Beginner Workout Program for 2022

Picture this: you’ve thought about working out, but you’re not sure how you could possibly fit it into your already busy lifestyle. With the New Year coming up, it feels like the perfect time to reflect on your fitness goals and how to attain them. 

If you’re a beginner looking to begin your fitness journey, you may be nervous about jumping in and committing to a gym membership or a long-term program. Luckily, there are many ways to get into working out (or getting back into it after a break!) without those things! 

T&C Fitness has developed two 14-Day Jumpstart Programs designed to help you ease into a more active lifestyle without the need for a gym membership or even exercise equipment. With two variations to choose from-- dumbbell or bodyweight-only-- these programs are perfect for anyone wanting to figure out how to include fitness in their daily routine!

Both versions of the 14-Day Jumpstart Program are designed to be an attainable short-term commitment that leads to improved strength, confidence, and endurance to help you maintain a healthier lifestyle, even after the program has ended. They include four workouts per week-- one day each per week of upper body, lower body, full-body, and cardio workouts.

These 14-Day Jumpstart Programs are also perfect for anyone with fitness-related New Year’s resolutions. Whether your goal is to lose weight, build muscle, or just generally improve your health by adding a little more exercise to your routine, these programs are bound to help jumpstart your journey to a healthier lifestyle without overwhelming you. 

Of course, there is more to a healthy lifestyle than just working out. To achieve the best results, the 14-Day Jumpstart Programs should be done in addition to sticking to a healthy diet. For an easy way to stick to a healthy diet, try combining the T&C Fitness 7-Day Meal Plan with either of these programs! It should also be noted that in order to see results, you should stick to a regulated diet and workout routine.

Over half of the American population makes a fitness-related New Year’s resolution, but over a quarter of those people give up after only two weeks. T&C Fitness is here to keep you accountable. With these 14-day programs, you get workouts that work to get you the results you want if you stick to a regular routine even after the program has ended. 

If you think you’re ready to jumpstart your New Year’s resolution or fitness routine, head over to T&C Fitness and sign up for your 14-Day Jumpstart Program today-- each program starts the Monday following your sign-up date. If you love the program, make sure to check out all the other great services they offer!


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