11 Tips for Making and Sticking to Your New Year's Fitness Resolutions
Fitness, Lifestyle Falls Yoga and Barre Fitness, Lifestyle Falls Yoga and Barre

11 Tips for Making and Sticking to Your New Year's Fitness Resolutions

As we kick off another 365 days, many of us are thinking about our goals and resolutions for the year ahead. One resolution that tops many people's lists is to get in shape and improve their physical fitness. But it can be tough to stick to your goals in the face of busy schedules, tempting distractions, and a lack of motivation. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just starting out on your fitness journey, these 11 tips will help you achieve your goals and get on the path to a healthier, happier you.

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The Starting Strength Method - Why This Method Delivers Superior Results
Fitness Blackmetal Strength Training Fitness Blackmetal Strength Training

The Starting Strength Method - Why This Method Delivers Superior Results

The Starting Strength Method is currently the most effective way to get strong quickly and safely. In the first month, a typical trainee should add at least 60lb to their squat and deadlift, and 30lb to their bench and press. The method is usually thought of as just the programming: the prescribed sets, reps, weights, and exercises, but it's more than that. The method is two parts: the programming and the technique of the exercises. These two parts are what makes the method so effective and safe.

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Strength Training VS. Cardio
Fitness, Health Blackmetal Strength Training Fitness, Health Blackmetal Strength Training

Strength Training VS. Cardio

Strength is the place to put your time, money, and energy, even if cardio is fun and readily accessible. There is a large misunderstanding on how the human body adapts to physical activity. The questions "should I do cardio for weight loss?", "if I do strength training, don't I have to do cardio too?", "won't having bigger muscles hurt my cardio?" come up a lot. The overarching answer to these questions is that strength training will improve your cardio substantially, but cardio will not help your strength much.

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