How to Become More Adventurous With Food

Have you (or others around you!) always considered yourself to be a picky eater? Well, you’re certainly not alone! Whether you want to make cooking meals at home easier and healthier or just want to stop feeling like you always have to order off the kids’ menu when you go out, here are suggestions to help you become a more adventurous eater! 

  1. Try foods a couple of times before you decide you don’t like them-- if you repeatedly reintroduce yourself to the same “new” taste, your body might begin to like it! And if you don’t like it after a couple of tries, don’t force yourself-- at least you gave it a chance!

  2. Teach yourself new ways to cook the foods you think you don’t like. For example, a lot of people claim to not like brussels sprouts when in reality, they just haven’t discovered how they like them cooked yet! (For example, maybe you could give them a try with Totally Mixed Up or Smoky Sweet New Orleans!)

  3. Consider the idea that it may be the texture of a food that you dislike rather than the taste. If you try a few foods and find that this is the case, there are still plenty of ways that you can incorporate them into your diet. For example, if you find that you like the taste of tomatoes, but not the texture, you could put them in a food processor and use them to make tomato soup or pasta sauce!

  4. Pair new foods that you’re unsure of with foods you already know you like. That way, the new food can be associated with another food you already like and eat all the time, which could make it seem less scary.

  5. Experiment with other ways to make new foods seem appealing to you. You could do this by finding familiar recipes you enjoy that incorporate that food, or you could even do something as simple as serving the food in a way that looks appealing to you. After all, the more appealing it looks, the more interested you’ll probably be in trying it!

In general, it’s best to try new foods as often as you can. While it may seem daunting at first, venturing beyond your comfort zone is the best way to learn to be more adventurous with just about anything, including food. 

If you think trying foods with different seasonings could be a good option for you, check out Julia Belle's! They have plenty of seasoning blends that are bound to get you hooked on something you may have thought you hated!

Julia Belle's Seasonings

Julia Belle’s Seasonings has its roots in authentic southern cooking, with classics like cornbread and southern barbecue; but we don’t stop there! We have curated seasonings from across the world, from India to Jamaica. You don’t need a suitcase for the international journey our spices will take you on.

It can be difficult to find the motivation and creativity to cook meals every day, but we believe that anyone can cook with the right combination of seasonings! You can’t go wrong with any of our amazing and savory products. There is a flavor for every person and every dish in our diverse selection of seasonings, rubs, and mixes. We pride ourselves on 100% natural products, with just the right amount of heat!

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