Summer Slim Down Tips

You know what’s so great about summer? It’s the season people want to lose weight for, and it’s also the best season for losing weight. What a coincidence! I would wager that if it was summer all year round, I would be slimmer, trimmer, and fitter. 

But why is this? In the summer, we tend to be more active. If you live in an area that experiences fall and winter, then you know how hard it can be to get outside when it’s snowy and nasty. It’s hard enough to get out of bed!

But it’s not just that we’re more active in the summer. It’s the heat. When it’s hot, we sweat, and when we sweat, we burn calories and lose weight. And we tend to crave healthier food options when it’s hot. When you’re hot and sweaty, you’re more likely to crave water and cooler foods, like fruits and veggies. I mean, who wants to sink their teeth into a hot, greasy burger on a hot day? Not me! 

So take advantage of summer. It’s a great time to work on dropping some pounds, and I’m going to give you some tips for optimizing summer for your weight loss goals. And, you know what, I’ll toss in a Bonus tip for those of you looking to speed up the process. 

Tip #1: Water, Water, Water

I know what you’re thinking. You already know you need to drink more water. We all know this. And yet...we don’t. This summer, focus on drinking more water. Replace other high-calorie, sugary drinks with good ol’ fashion water. That includes your Trulys, White Claws, and any other alcoholic seltzer drinks. They’re refreshing, but they aren’t going to help you lose weight. Instead of Truly, try a non-alcoholic bubbly beverage like Bubly or La Croix. 

Want to add some flavor to your water? Instead of sugary additives, try lemon, cucumber, basil, or even cayenne. These natural alternatives are flavor-packed and they have tons of health benefits, including ramping up your metabolism! 

Tip #2: Go Big on Big Fruits and Veggies

Literally. Eat the biggest fruits and veggies. What is better on a hot day than watermelon, honeydew, and cantaloupe? Sweet, refreshing, filling, and hydrating. You’re not going to gain weight eating these tasty fruits. 

As for veggies, summer is the season for bell peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, and gourds. These big fruits and veggies will fill you up, but they aren’t calorie-dense, so they won’t leave you feeling bloated. Summer bloating is the WORST!

Not a big fan of veggies? Try grilling your veggies and seasoning with savory seasonings you would normally use on burgers or grilled chicken. You’ll start looking for excuses to eat veggies. 

Tip #3: Walk it out!

People think that they need to become Jillian Michaels to lose weight. They start extreme workout regimens, and they quickly burn out and give up. Don’t fall for this trap. Instead of jumping into the Insanity Workout, just take a walk after dinner. 

The weather is beautiful, so set aside a half hour after dinner to go for a walk. If your neighborhood isn’t ideal for strolls, find a park where you feel safe walking. Or recruit friends whom you enjoy spending time with and who will hold you accountable. Not only will walking help you digest and burn some calories, but walking with family and friends will put you in a better mood. 


These tips take time to work. But if summer is sneaking up on you—as it always does—then you might need a faster solution. We’ve got you covered! 

Physicians Weight Loss Centers has a highly-effective program designed to help you shed pounds fast. It’s called PhysiciansFAST® MRP. This meal-replacement program is based on an approximately 800-calorie diet, designed to suppress appetite, burn fat, boost metabolism, and even reduce stress! If you’re interested in making big changes in a short amount of time, check out Physicians Weight Loss Centers. They have online and in-center programs. There’s something for everyone.

Whatever tips you decide on, remember to show yourself gratitude and grace. Treat your body well. You only get one, and there is only one of you. 

Be well!

Physicians Weight Loss Centers

Physicians Weight Loss Centers realizes that not every person responds to the same diet in the same way, or loses weight at the same rate. That's why we developed six distinct and effective weight loss systems to meet different lifestyle needs. At Physicians WEIGHT LOSS Centers®, we take the time to teach healthy habits that will last a lifetime.

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