Eliminate Holiday Season Stress with these 3 Yoga Poses

A woman performing yoga in a snowy forest

The holidays are a time for family, friends, and fun. For many people, they can also be a time of stress. If you're looking for a way to relax and de-stress during the holiday season, yoga might be the answer. These three yoga poses can help you manage stress (and increase your joy) during the holiday season.  

Child's Pose

The first yoga pose to help reduce stress is Child's Pose. This pose can be used to incorporate gentle stretching, gentle twists and gentle forward-bent postures into your practice. The purpose of this pose is to focus on relaxation and building a gentle understanding between the body and the mind. Doing the Child’s Pose helps one ground themselves and attain a state of calmness.  To begin, start in a kneeling position with your legs spread apart and toes touching. Slowly lower your chest to rest against your thighs as you reach forward with both arms, extending them straight out in front of you or allowing them to rest by your sides with palms facing upwards. Allow yourself to draw your attention within yourself and take slow, deep breaths. Remain in this pose for at least 10 breaths, then slowly return to an upright seated position before continuing with any additional gentle yoga poses. Doing Child's Pose regularly can help reduce feelings of stress and increase inner peace when practiced either in isolation or as part of a lengthier yoga session.

Downward-Facing Dog

Downward-Facing Dog, or Adho Mukha Svanasana in Sanskrit, is the second gentle pose you can use to manage stress. This pose helps to open the chest, stretch and strengthen the muscles of the arms, shoulders, and back, and increase flexibility. To begin, start on your hands and knees with your hands shoulder-width apart and your feet hip-width apart. From here, stretch your hips up as you push back into Downward-Facing Dog. Make sure that you keep your hips lifted away from the floor while attempting this posture; feel free to bend one or both knees if needed. Your body should form an inverted letter "V" with a slight curve in your lower back; be gentle with yourself and try not to overextend any one muscle group. Hold this position for 30 seconds to a minute before returning to hands and knees. On top of stress-relief, regular practice of this gentle yet effective yoga pose will help you quickly gain strength and improved flexibility.                

Cat-Cow Stretch

The last gentle yoga pose you can use to manage your holiday stress is cat-cow stretch. To perform this gentle stretch, begin on your hands and knees with your back flat. From here, slowly round your back like a cat, dropping your head towards the floor. Then raise your head and arch your spine upward like a cow, stretching your stomach towards the ceiling for a gentle yet effective stretch. This pose can be performed easily at home. By devoting just a few minutes each day to gentle stretching and breath work, you can create an oasis of relaxation and balance amid even the most hectic schedules. 

The holidays are not only a time for family, friends, and fun but also a lot of stress. If you're looking to reduce the amount of holiday-related stress in your life, try out yoga. All of these yoga poses can be done at home with no equipment necessary - all you need is a mat! So next time you're feeling stressed this holiday season, take a break and try out some simple yoga poses to help calm your mind and body. Looking for an even more relaxing experience? Look for a yoga studio near you to practice in a thoroughly relaxing environment. 

Falls Yoga and Barre

We create a comfortable, inviting space that allows for people of all backgrounds to enjoy. The most important thing for us is to make everyone who walks in the door feel like they are coming home.


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