Working Out Won’t Help You Lose Weight

It may come as a surprise to some that working out doesn’t help you to lose weight. According to research published in Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, there are different types of training & exercise that have varying percentages of weight loss. There are 4 types: resistance training, aerobic only, aerobic & exercise training and diet. Diet mostly accounts for the most percentage of weight loss and the rest are ranging from zero to three percent of weight loss. Despite all that, there is an alternative to exercising: Weight Loss Supplements.

Now you may be asking yourself, what are weight loss supplements? To answer the question, they are pills that will help you to lose weight. Do they actually work? Yes, they do. For example, a study done in 2016 evaluated long term tests for prescription drugs for obesity. The researchers concluded that when a person makes changes to their lifestyle, prescription for weight loss increases the probability of accomplishing weight loss within the span of a year. 

Weight loss supplements fall into two important categories: non-prescription and dietary supplements. Non-prescription weight loss supplements are required to show the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) with proof that show their product is as safe and effective as prescription weight loss supplements. With varying proof of weight loss supplements, it can be a bit challenging to determine which supplements should be marketed to a consumer. As a result, weight loss supplements with good results are made available for purchase to consumers. Dietary supplements, however, aren’t required to give the FDA their results of weight loss because they have their evidence published on their website. 

Researchers from varying reputable sources such as Obesity Science in Practice have proven that weight loss supplements can help you to lose weight. The five supplements that were tested had on average, 5-10% weight loss as a result of having those supplements. So, it’s pretty safe to say that weight loss supplements are more like to result in weight loss than exercise alone.

We would never recommend that you cut exercise out of your lifestyle altogether as exercise is still a vital part of a healthy life. However, if weight loss is your goal, you will likely need more help than just exercise to get to your destination. That’s where weight loss supplements will play the biggest role in your life, helping you drop the pounds and be the happier, healthier you want to be.

Diet Center

Diet Center offers four of the most revolutionary and effective weight loss programs available in the industry. Our diet plans are designed by registered dietitians who ensure every plan stays up to date with current research and findings.

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