How to Lose Holiday Weight
Weight Loss Physicians Weight Loss Centers Weight Loss Physicians Weight Loss Centers

How to Lose Holiday Weight

With the holiday season coming to a close and a New Year right around the corner, it might be time to start your New Year’s resolution of losing weight or you may want to burn off the pounds from the holiday season. Here are a few tips for losing weight after the holidays:

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What is Cellulite?
Physicians Weight Loss Centers Physicians Weight Loss Centers

What is Cellulite?

FEATURED on so many magazine covers as a curse to be obliterated, what is cellulite?

A whole industry has grown up and around ways to banish cellulite, but it is a perfectly normal part of a woman’s body and has no health implications at all.

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Working Out Won’t Help You Lose Weight
Health Diet Center Health Diet Center

Working Out Won’t Help You Lose Weight

It may come as a surprise to some that working out doesn’t help you to lose weight. According to research published in Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, there are different types of training & exercise that have varying percentages of weight loss. There are 4 types: resistance training, aerobic only, aerobic & exercise training and diet. Diet mostly accounts for the most percentage of weight loss and the rest are ranging from zero to three percent of weight loss. Despite all that, there is an alternative to exercising: Weight Loss Supplements.

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How to Improve Your Financial Health by Tending to Your Physical Health
Health, Wealth Holistic Massotherapy and Wellness Health, Wealth Holistic Massotherapy and Wellness

How to Improve Your Financial Health by Tending to Your Physical Health

Health and wealth are inextricably linked in many ways. Taking good care of yourself by living a healthy lifestyle can put (or keep) money in your pocket both directly and indirectly. The immediate savings are important, but there are long-term financial benefits to making healthy choices, as well. Here, we’ll provide some examples of how tending to your physical health now improves your fiscal health presently and long into the future.

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