Valentine’s Day Yoga Poses for Couples

This Valentine’s Day you and your partner can strengthen your relationship and your muscles through couples yoga! A few reasons to do couples yoga with your partner is that it increases communication, trust, satisfaction, and improves your sex life. Couples yoga can also reduce anxiety snd stress for both people! Here is a list of poses to try with your partner this Valentine’s Day!

Seated Breathing

This pose is performed by sitting on the ground back to back with your partner. With your eyes closed, you both will breathe in sync. You can practice any breathing pattern you both feel comfortable with, but if you need some help just do 5 seconds in and 5 seconds out. This partner breathing technique will connect both of your energies so you will be aligned for the rest of the session. 

Seated Cat and Cow Pose

This pose is performed by staying seated, arms-length away from each other, and holding both hands with your partner. As you two inhale, you will both arch your back forward and face your chin to the sky. When you exhale, you will both arch your back backward with your forehead pointing towards the ground. Repeat this for as long as you need to feel stretched. 

Forward Fold with Partner

Start this pose by sitting across from your partner with your legs in a V-shape. You will both connect your feet and hold hands. It is important that you do not bend your knees as you perform this pose. You will each take turns moving forward and backward to stretch each other's legs. 

Partner Chair Pose

Now that your legs are stretched, it's time to strengthen them by doing the partner chair pose! This is similar to wall sits but instead of sitting against a wall, you are against your partner! You both stand back to back and then slide down until you look like you are sitting in a chair. 

Double Downward Dog

Time for a harder one! The double downward dog will take a lot of trust between the two partners. The first person will get into the downward dog position while the other person is on all fours facing away. When you are ready and feel comfortable, the person on all fours will slowly begin to place both feet on the other person's hips. Hold this for as many breaths as you want!

Get your fit on with your partner today by searching local yoga and barre studios in Northeast Ohio! 

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We create a comfortable, inviting space that allows for people of all backgrounds to enjoy. The most important thing for us is to make everyone who walks in the door feel like they are coming home.

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