Let’s Exercise!


Dieters can often see great success in the early days of their new lifestyle – but quickly lose heart when the weight loss slows or stalls.

It is important to keep going – this is a whole lifestyle change, not a one-and-done exercise. Your early determination coupled with starting at a higher number of pounds many times does mean a sharp drop in the number on the scales.

In most things we do, we expect to see improved results as we get better at doing something – but the speed of weight loss naturally slows down, and it makes us wonder why we are trying.

But stick with it – each pound you lose represents a larger proportion of your overall weight as you slim down, so each pound lost actually becomes a bigger win. It is only natural you will see greater loss in the early days – you started with more to lose in the first place. And the key to continued weight loss is sustainability – again, it is relatively easy to go cold turkey on all the goodies you like for the first week or even month.

But it is probably not a sustainable proposition for you, so the hard part is finding out what treats you can keep and in what quantities, so you can find a sustainable way to lose weight. And, of course, what we eat is only half of the equation in losing weight. That cuts the calories we are putting into our bodies. The other half is how many calories we burn – and to do that, we have to exercise. Once again, the important part is sustainability.

Running a marathon is impressive – but if you only do it once and quit running, there are no real long-term benefits. But running a mile or two a few times a week on an ongoing basis is a totally different matter – your body will burn more calories on a regular basis and help you lose more weight.

Just as we want to be sustainable in what we put into our bodies, we want to be sustainable in what we do with our bodies and finding the right type of exercise for you is key – you have to either enjoy it or find a way to build it into your life so it does not become a chore.

One of the simplest, cheapest, and easiest ways is simply to get walking. It requires no equipment and has no cost attached and is low impact, so better for your joints. Whether you start taking the dog out once a day, hit a hiking trail, do laps around the mall, or take an evening stroll around the block, you cannot go wrong.

If you are living a sedentary life – as is common for many Americans, especially those with office-based jobs, build in small wins. Walk on your breaks and take the stairs instead of lift at work. Aim for 30 minutes three or four times a week and build up from there. Find a walking buddy and you can have a good old chat while you do it, too.

Diet Center

Diet Center offers four of the most revolutionary and effective weight loss programs available in the industry. Our diet plans are designed by registered dietitians who ensure every plan stays up to date with current research and findings. 


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