How Yoga Can Help to Improve Your Core Strength

Who doesn’t want a strong core? This can be achieved in many ways, but did you know that it can be achieved with yoga? Here are some ways that you can improve your core strength with yoga

woman in warrior pose on grass

Boat Pose

Boat pose can be done in two ways: feet on the ground or feet in the air. Each variation can be done to improve core strength. If you are a beginner, start with your feet on the ground. Bend your knees with your hands in front of you, horizontal, and palms up. Make sure your body is in a V-like position, and hold this pose while taking deep breaths. This engages your deep core muscles that are sometimes hard to work on. When you are ready, try raising your feet in the air for a more intense workout. 

Warrior Pose

Start with your leg forward and knee parallel to the ground. Then, have your other leg stretched out behind you. Put one hand horizontal towards the front and the other in the opposite direction. While doing this pose, imagine you are lengthening your spine with every breath you take. Make sure you are facing forward, and focus your weight in the center of your body. When holding this pose, it increases your stability while working your core. 

woman in tree pose in forest

Tree Pose

For this pose, stand on one foot while your other leg is bent and your foot is resting on the inside of your thigh. Place your hands in the namaste position. Take deep breaths while trying to balance your body. Like warrior pose, this increases your stability while working your core. 


The three poses described are just the start to strengthening your core with yoga. The different movements going from pose to pose, lifting and lowering your legs, and twisting your abdomen continuously works your core. Increased balance also ensures that you have a strong core. Having poor stability means you are not working your core into the yoga poses. When you combine the breathing techniques, balance, holding poses, and movements of your body, this works your abdomen throughout your whole yoga workout. Try some of these poses out and combine them with the exercises you already know. Make sure you focus on your breathing and the muscles you are working on to create a mind and body connection.

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