Journal Topics for Mental Health

Journaling is an excellent exercise for anyone, and if you have been, or are in a toxic relationship, having journal topics that you can write about every day is a great way to validate your feelings. If you feel as though you have been gaslit, these will help to ground yourself and your feelings. So, what are some journal prompts that you can use on a daily basis if you have been involved in a gaslighting situation? 

Writing a Letter

Writing a letter as if you’re talking to the person that has made you feel this way is a good way of getting your feelings out, and a great way to avoid escalating the situation. If you are in a situation where escalation could happen, writing this letter and leaving it somewhere where you know it's safe, or burning it are both great ideas to make sure your letter has extra protection. Follow the traditional letter writing format.

Dear, ___

From, ___ 

Connect With Your Feelings

Having a moment where you can write your feelings out and everything that you’re experiencing, especially in situations where you’re left questioning your sanity, will help in grounding yourself and making sure you know that YOU are not the crazy one. Start with:

How am I feeling right now?

  1. ….

  2. ….

  3. ….

    Where Does the Pain Stem From?

The pain in these situations can last a few days, weeks, months, or even years, and addressing where the pain stems from to yourself in a journal can begin to help your journey of healing. Writing down the person's name and branching the prompt off into sections can help you to release your emotions towards them, similar to the letter. An example would be:

___ makes me feel:

  1. ….

  2. ….

  3. …. 

Checking in with yourself, especially after a psychological manipulation situation, can be extremely helpful in healing your wounds and grounding yourself, because, at the end of the day, the relationship you have with yourself is the most important.

The Gaslit

The Gaslit is an apparel brand aimed at creating awareness around psychological manipulation and abuse and raising money for victims services and non-profit organizations.


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