Pregnancy Aid From Nature: The Power of Stones

Pregnancy is a changing and challenging condition. There are many ways to help with the process and the healing. For some, that’s an exercise like yoga, for others it’s dietary control, for others there are holistic and medicinal remedies.

Some holistic approaches lean towards the healing aid of crystals and stones. During pregnancy, the number of changes your body goes through is drastic and vast for your well-being. It’s no shock or surprise that you’ll be experiencing a lot mentally, physically, and emotionally. Some crystals are thought to give strength, some are for protection, and others are said to provide wisdom.

Ideally, all of these can help in combination with others. The most useful of these is up to you, personally. The swathe of crystals that can be helpful during pregnancy includes carnelian, which can help boost stamina for good upkeep and self-care, and Angelite, which can aid in comfort and direction. Other stones, like rose quartz, can help with bonding with your baby, amethyst helps you connect spiritually and relax, then there’s fluorite, which is supposed to help absorb nutrients.

Some stones, however, are meant to be better for when you and your partner are trying to have a baby, or for use during the birth itself, such as moonstone, which is a fertility stone. Bloodstones are meant to help with a healthy birth, as is malachite, which is commonly referred to as the “midwife stone,” and unakite is said to aid in heart bonds.

When pregnant, you might look at an assortment of these stones to help you through this new phase of your life. Every stone is unique and how you feel it and how it helps you is entirely different from person to person. When looking for holistic health practices throughout your pregnancy, a doula can also aid you in going through this process in life. What’s most important is to make sure you’re doing what is best for you in your pregnancy.

Holistic Massotherapy and Wellness

We specialize in customized sessions for restoration of the mind and body. At Holistic Massotherapy & Wellness we believe the Mind, Body, and Spirit has the ability to connect and heal through the power of touch. We are here to provide quality service, as well as caring, knowledgeable and experienced therapists for a rejuvenating, Full body massage experience to clients seeking in office and in home services.

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