Healthy Recipes for your Summer BBQ

It is finally the time of year to go to a BBQ! Don’t let your diet prevent you from going or having one of your own. You can make a BBQ healthy with options that won’t leave you feeling bad about what you ate the next day. Be creative with your BBQ recipes!

Dish Prep

You do not need to make a dish unhealthy to make it good, but there are some tips for making a BBQ recipe especially good. Before you make something to bring, these are some of the things you should keep in mind:

  • Prep Ahead of Time: You need to be sure that there is enough time before the BBQ for you to prepare your dish. It should also be something that does not need to be eaten right away, either. If you make a time-sensitive dish and drive over to the BBQ with it, the food may go bad, or at least not taste as good. It should be considered that it will most likely be served refrigerated or at room temperature.

  • Portions: When offering to bring a dish to a BBQ it is important that you make sure there is enough food for everyone! Even if you’re on a diet, it is always better to have too much of something than too little. Don’t leave all your friends and family wishing they could have more of your amazing dish because you didn’t bring enough. Come prepared for people to love it!

  • Options: It could be a nice gesture to bring another variety of your dish to meet some other dietary or health restrictions. If you have even just two different options, that could mean a lot to the others at the BBQ. Learn what the others are looking for and avoiding and work off of that to create the perfect dishes to accommodate everyone!

Dishes to Bring

There are many different varieties of dishes you could bring to a BBQ that are healthy. They can even be mixed and matched to fit your liking or enhance the dish! Here are some healthy options of things you could bring to your next BBQ!

  • Fruit Salad: This is always a crowd-pleaser that can be easily prepared and still remain healthy. Fruit is always a healthy but sweet option during any meal and can be kept fresh and cold easily. There are also a wide variety of berries and fruits you could mix to appeal to multiple people. It is a fast, fresh, reliable dish to bring!

  • Cold Quinoa Salad: A salad is also always a good and fresh dish that you can bring, and quinoa can really enhance it. Quinoa adds flavor, texture, and protein, along with other health benefits. It mixes up the usual salad that others are used to.

  • Pasta Dishes: Pasta generally has a negative light on it when thinking about health. It can be done healthily, however. It is all about how it is cooked and the ingredients. You want to think about a pasta dish that is fine at room temperature or cold, like a pasta salad. It can be served cold, vegetables can be incorporated, and there are endless ways to make it healthy. The noodles can even be made out of zucchini if you are really looking to twist it up!

There is no better feeling than having people compliment you for the dish you bring or asking for the recipe. Meals can be made healthy through the different ingredients and processes to make them! Leave the BBQ with your dish completely gone and everyone feeling good!

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