
Microcrystalline cellulose, lactose, hypromellose, croscarmellose sodium, sodium lauryl sulfate, magnesium stearate, french chalk, colloidal silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide. Do you know what any of these are? Probably not, but chances are you’ve ingested them on numerous occasions. These are the ingredients in ibuprofen, one of the most commonly used medications for countless ailments. Western medicine is all about medication and surgeries. Everyone has heard the commercials where they tell you this medicine will control one of your symptoms and there are smiling people running around enjoying life while the narrator spends minutes spouting off an enormous list of side effects the medicine may cause in the meantime. There is a surgery available for almost every condition as well. There are definitely times when surgery and medication is the answer, but many people don’t know western medicine is not the only path you can take. Reiki is a Japanese alternative therapy commonly referred to as energy healing.

What is Reiki?

The word “Reiki” means “mysterious atmosphere, miraculous sign.” It comes from the Japanese words “rei” (universal) and “ki” (life energy). Reiki is a type of energy healing; energy healing is a holistic practice that activates the body's subtle energy systems to remove blocks. By breaking through these energetic blocks, the body's inherent ability to heal itself is stimulated. According to practitioners, energy can stagnate in the body where there has been physical injury or possibly emotional pain. In time, these energy blocks can cause illness. Energy medicine aims to help the flow of energy and remove blocks in a similar way to acupuncture or acupressure. Improving the flow of energy around the body can enable relaxation, reduce pain, speed healing, and reduce other symptoms of illness.

What to Expect?


A typical Reiki session lasts between 30 and 90 minute, most usually in a relaxing environment with soft music playing. In your first session you will have a short chat about any expectations and symptoms you might have, and you will let them know about any symptoms or specific parts of the body that need addressed. You will be instructed to lay down on a treatment table or mat and cover with a blanket. The practitioner will move their hands around your body, they may touch you lightly or have their hand directly over your body. You may experience sensations in the body such as heat or tingling. Some people report seeing visualizations such as colors or pictures, or having memories appear. When the practitioner feels that the heat, or energy, in their hands has abated, they will remove their hands and may place them over a different area of the body.

Techniques involved in Reiki:

  • centering

  • clearing

  • beaming

  • extracting harmful energies

  • infusing

  • smoothing and raking the aura

Benefits of Reiki?

Reiki gives your body a break from the stresses of daily life, helping your body return to a state of relaxation. Once in this state, your body is able to heal any damage brought on by stress, injury, or disease:

  1. Relieves Pain, Anxiety, and Fatigue

  2. Treats Depression

  3. Enhances Quality of Life

  4. Boosts Mood

  5. May Improve Symptoms and Conditions: 

  • headache

  • tension

  • insomnia

  • nausea

  • cancer

  • heart disease

  • anxiety

  • depression

  • chronic pain

  • infertility

  • neurodegenerative disorders

  • autism

  • Crohn’s disease

Although many of these alternative therapies and treatments have been around for centuries, they have mostly all been cut out by western and modern medicine. In recent years they have been growing in popularity and there is more and more research being done on the benefits and effectiveness of them. There are many places popping up that offer these services as well as other holistic and alternative approaches. If you are suffering from any of the emotional or physical issues that can be benefited by Reiki, it is worth giving a shot as there is no long list of complications that can come from this treatment option.

Holistic Massotherapy and Wellness

We specialize in customized sessions for restoration of the mind and body. At Holistic Massotherapy & Wellness we believe the Mind, Body, and Spirit has the ability to connect and heal through the power of touch. We are here to provide quality service, as well as caring, knowledgeable and experienced therapists for a rejuvenating, Full body massage experience to clients seeking in office and in home services.

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