What Your Favorite Fragrance May Reveal About Your Personality

Once upon a time, perfume was used as a way to mask body odor, but our personal hygiene has expanded over the years and now includes regular showers and deodorant, transforming what was once a luxury of necessity into a luxury of self-expression. Whether you’re spritzing yourself with your favorite fragrance, diffusing it into a room, or incorporating it in any of a million other ways into your life, the fragrance that resonates with you most can offer a glimpse into your intangible inner world. And, knowing which character traits and fragrances are linked can provide more than just self-awareness. You can even gain a better understanding of who the other people in your life truly are! Whether it’s yourself, your mother, or your next blind date, a person’s favorite scent can provide a whole new world of insight about their true personality traits. Keep reading for a list of frequently adored fragrances and the personality characteristics associated with each! 

Floral A classic floral scent, like rose or lavender, is sweet, warm, and inviting. Those who love floral fragrances are usually both feminine and down to earth, quick to smile and hard to displease. 

Citrus Citrus levers tend to come in one of two packages. Either they’re ambitious and focused natural leaders with a zest for life, or they channel their vibrant energy into fun and joy, staying on the playful side of life and not taking things too seriously. 

Aquatic Those who opt for aquatic scents are usually mellow. Calm and collected, they would prefer to remain understated yet maintain a fresh awareness to their presence. 

Green Scents with notes of green, such as basil, green tea, and cucumber, are loved by those who appreciate sophistication, plus a dash of scandalous drama every now and again. 

Woody Woody fragrances are earthy and grounded, just like those who love them. Both men and women gravitate toward the mysteriousness of a woody scent, since it’s naturally pleasing aroma is inherently unisex. 

Spicy Like woody scents, spicy fragrances are mysterious, but they have a bit more edge to them, as do those who enjoy this distinctively spicy fragrance category, which includes the aromas of ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, clove, and many more! 

Fruity If you’re drawn to fruity scents, like watermelon, passion fruit, or pomegranate, you’re probably the life of the party! Those who like fruity perfumes are often bouncy, smiley, and joyful, 

The fragrance profile you ultimately feel most drawn to doesn’t necessarily have to fit into any of the above categories neatly. All of us are multi-layered beings, and, if we so choose, our signature fragrance can have multiple layers, as well! For example, a spicy aroma can be lightened and layered with floral notes to produce a complex scent arrangement that suits you perfectly. Plus, your favorite scent or scent combination can be manifested in tons of different ways—from personal fragrances to car diffusers to custom scented candles! Truly, the opportunities to express your unique personality through scenting yourself and your surroundings are endless. To get started, stop in to a local DIY candle-pouring bar in your area and check out all of the products (bath and body, candles, diffusers, etc.) into which you can infuse your very own personal brand scent!

Rocky Creek Candle Company

Rocky Creek Candle Company is a locally owned candle shop in Fairview, Texas. We offer retail candles, fragrance products, and bath & body products as well as a DIY custom experience in our store.


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