Prenatal Massage: Benefits to Mom and Baby

Therapeutic massage of all kinds has been scientifically proven to improve overall health markers for the body, mind, and emotions. For centuries, healers have used the power of intentional touch to help cure the ailments of countless patients, and each form of massage does so in its own unique way. This holds true for pregnancy massage, which extends benefits to the mom-to-be and to her bundle of joy on the way! To better understand this important form of massage therapy, let’s take a look at what makes prenatal massage different from a standard massage and the benefits it bestows on both mom and baby. 

A massage is a massage, right? Not exactly. Yes, a therapist will knowingly apply pressure to your body to create some desired effect. But, a nice relaxing, light-medium pressure Swedish massage has an entirely different bodily, mental, and sometimes emotional goal than does, say, a targeted, high-pressure sports massage. Prenatal massage is no different. The following are the three most distinguishable characteristics of pregnancy massage: 


During a prenatal massage, your therapist will position you on your side, not your stomach or back, especially during the second and third trimesters. Your therapist will use pillows or bolsters to support your back, knees, and/or feet. Alternatively, he or she may have you sit upright or in a semi reclined pose during the massage. 


The typical stroke used in prenatal massage in “effleurage,” or a long, sweeping stroke, such as that used in Swedish massage and sometimes to alleviate contraction pain during labor. 


For those who typically choose deep tissue massage and strong pressure, prenatal massage therapy will feel lighter than what they’re used to. Especially around your belly, the overall pressure won’t be nearly as intense as with other forms of massage. 

Now that you have a bit more insight into the difference between prenatal and other forms of massage, let’s get to the fun stuff and talk about how GLORIOUS you’re going to feel during and after your session! Some of the benefits to mom and baby are: 

Mom Perks 

~Regulates stress hormones 

~Decreases anxiety and depression 

~Provides muscle and head ache and joint pain relief 

~Decreases swelling reduces nerve pain, especially sciatic 

~Improves circulation 

~Oxygenates soft tissues and muscles 

~Balances mind and body 

~Improves labor experience 

Baby Perks (via Mom) 

~Improved blood circulation 

~Flexible joints and muscles 

~Healthy tissue development 

It’s impossible to really encompass all of the health benefits of prenatal massage without, at least, touching on the subject of, well, touch. Hands-on healing energy techniques facilitate the ability of a mother to establish a deep connection with the baby growing in her womb. Studies show that regular prenatal massage reduces the risk of postnatal depression in new mothers and helps prepare their bodies for the stress of childbirth itself. We’re sure, if you’ve gotten this far in the blog, you’re fairly well interested in scheduling a pregnancy massage for yourself. So, our last bit of advice is to find a local massage therapist who specializes in prenatal massage and is willing to make house calls! Trust us—experiencing that kind of relief from the comfort of your own home during the last few weeks of pregnancy? Priceless. 

Holistic Massotherapy and Wellness

We specialize in customized sessions for restoration of the mind and body. At Holistic Massotherapy & Wellness we believe the Mind, Body, and Spirit has the ability to connect and heal through the power of touch. We are here to provide quality service, as well as caring, knowledgeable and experienced therapists for a rejuvenating, Full body massage experience to clients seeking in office and in home services.

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