Seed Cycling: A Naturopathic Approach to Hormone Regulation Therapy 

Our ancestors would be proud of modern naturopaths who have recovered the knowledge of the healing power of a single seed. "Seed cycling" has seen a resurgence in popularity in recent years, owing to a boom in the adoption of eastern medicine by western cultures. Proponents claim that cycling the ingestion of certain seeds during designated times of the month curbs hormonal symptoms and supports those both with hormonal imbalances and those with healthy cycles.

Other resources on the topic are readily available, but the intricacies of each woman's hormonal interplay every month can be overwhelming. Here, an abbreviated path to understanding the seed cycling process and some of the effects it is believe to produce provides valuable insight into the science of researchers' uncomplicated and newly-rediscovered method of achieving hormonal balance. 

Seed cycling's naturopathic properties are believed to: 

▪ regulate periods 

▪ reduce acne 

▪ treat polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, and infertility 

▪ ease symptoms of menopause 

- hot flashes

- night sweats

- fatigue

- mood swings 

▪ improve thyroid hormone levels 

▪ reduce cellulite 

▪ minimize water retention 

▪ aid in weight loss 

▪ benefit hair health 

Start your seed cycle on the first day after your next period. One important note is that, if you're not currently menstruating, which can be the case for reasons ranging from over- exercising to natural age progression, you can start your seed cycle on the 1st of the month. Alternatively, many women who have irregular periods choose to synch their seed cycling to the moon phase! This feels appropriate, considering the practice's ancient cultural roots. 

This first half of the month, technically 14 days, is called the follicular phase. During this estrogen-producing timeframe, seed cyclers should eat flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, or both for a total of two tablespoons per day. Though you'll have similar results by using pumpkin seeds, flax seeds are ideal as they contain lignans which can boost the efficient elimination of all that extra estrogen being produced. 

The second half of the month and/or your seed cycle is known as the luteal phase, which lasts from day 15 of your cycle through day 30. During this time, you will eat two total table 

spoons daily of raw sunflower, sesame seeds, or both. Purists insist that the seeds should be raw and freshly ground. In case you don't have access to an old school mortar and pestle, here's your pro tip--chewing your seeds well counts as grinding. Considering the budget-friendly price of these seeds and the ability to buy in bulk for a steal, seed cycling is truly one of the most holistic and accessible methods of hormone regulation. 

Since more than 20% of women experience irregular cycles, it's no wonder seed cycling has taken center stage in hormonal physiology research. And, with scientific interest peaked and raw seeds a mere trip to the grocery store or Amazon purchase away for most in western society, it's also no wonder women have taken notice in an effort to ease menstruation or menopausal symptoms. Free online recipes abound for raw seed granola, energy bars, snack balls, and smoothies. Develop a practical system to help yourself remember to get your full two tablespoons of seeds in per day. After a few months of regular seed consumption, you'll begin to see results as hormonal imbalances start to normalize and stay consistently regulated. 

In a world of prescriptions and technological advancements, for which we're also very grateful, seed cycling is a simple and economical link to our ancestry in that it allows us to synthesize what modern science tells us about our human bodies with the universal and ancestral knowledge that nature heals.

Denver Holistic Medicine

Denver Holistic Medicine is a Denver based holistic health clinic specializing in women’s health, fertility medicine, and holistic skincare. We offer local services to our Denver based patients as well as telehealth services globally. We believe in a holistic approach to health and focus our services around functional medicine.

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