Healthy, Quick, and Easy Fall Snacks
Diet, Food Physicians Weight Loss Centers Diet, Food Physicians Weight Loss Centers

Healthy, Quick, and Easy Fall Snacks

Add these tasty treats to your menu if you want to shed pounds before the holiday season without giving up on the food you love. Each filling snack on our list will let you indulge your sweet tooth without expanding your waistline.

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Is the Keto Diet Right for You? 
Diet, Keto Diet Diet Center Diet, Keto Diet Diet Center

Is the Keto Diet Right for You? 

The ketogenic diet, usually called the “keto” diet for short, is a very low-carb, high-fat, moderate-protein diet. It was originally designed to help children with epilepsy, and has also been used to treat type 2 diabetes. However, in the last few years, the keto diet has become very popular for people who want to lose weight or change to a healthier lifestyle.

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How Massage Can Aid and Improve Digestion
Diet, Massage Therapy Holistic Massotherapy and Wellness Diet, Massage Therapy Holistic Massotherapy and Wellness

How Massage Can Aid and Improve Digestion

People commonly schedule a massage when they have sore muscles or are stressed out and need help relaxing. Of course, there are plenty of other reasons to get a massage. They can help with low-back pain, anxiety, and even sleep issues. But did you know massage can help with digestion?

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Which Exercises to Stay Away from During a Diet
Diet, Exercise Physicians Weight Loss Centers Diet, Exercise Physicians Weight Loss Centers

Which Exercises to Stay Away from During a Diet

You’ve started a diet, and you want to work some exercise into your regime. But you’re not sure what exercises are best. Are certain exercises better than others when you’re dieting? The answer is yes. We’re going to take a look at what exercises to stay away from while you’re dieting, as well as some great exercise options that won’t derail your diet.

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The Costs of Dieting
Diet, Dieting Diet Center Diet, Dieting Diet Center

The Costs of Dieting

When you start a diet, you usually have a couple of things on your mind: losing that stubborn weight, slimming down, feeling better, and improving your health. Whether the motivation is overall health or fitting into those jeans you love, we’re usually more focused on the outcomes of dieting rather than the costs of dieting.

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Tips for Keeping Yourself Accountable While on a Diet
Diet Physicians Weight Loss Centers Diet Physicians Weight Loss Centers

Tips for Keeping Yourself Accountable While on a Diet

One of the hardest things about a diet is getting yourself to stick to it. It’s easy to set and start goals but the challenge is actually following through and sticking to them. Here are some tips to help you keep yourself accountable while on a diet.

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Foods to Eat that Speed Up Your Metabolism
Diet Physicians Weight Loss Centers Diet Physicians Weight Loss Centers

Foods to Eat that Speed Up Your Metabolism

YOUR metabolism – the way in which your body burns food and turns it into energy – is a key part of keeping yourself trim. And the faster your metabolic rate, the quicker you transform food into energy, so those looking to lose weight are continually seeking the Holy Grail – foods that will boost their metabolism.

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How the Diet Industry is Changing
Diet, Health Diet Center Diet, Health Diet Center

How the Diet Industry is Changing

DIETING has always been big business and as our focus on our health has come sharply into view over the past year, so the food and diet industry has responded. Dieting for the sake of just losing weight has fallen away quite sharply over the past few years, a combination of an increasing understanding of overall health and increasing information provided to consumers tanks to changes in FDA labeling rules.

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Good Carbs vs. Bad Carbs - Where to draw the line
Diet Diet Center Diet Diet Center

Good Carbs vs. Bad Carbs - Where to draw the line

There are many different opinions on the topic of eating carbs. Some people believe it's okay to eat them whereas others boycott the thought of it. Despite the many things that have been said about how bad carbs can be, there are good carbs that will benefit a person's health along with diet.  

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Don’t Give Up On that Diet!
Diet Physicians Weight Loss Centers Diet Physicians Weight Loss Centers

Don’t Give Up On that Diet!

We say it all the time – we want to lose weight! We start diets, trying every fad we come across on the internet, willing to try anything. The pounds start to fall off and we feel pretty good and then, boom, a bad weekend happens where we go to a few parties, out to eat with friends, or maybe we just get tired and order a pizza. And then, before you know it, you’re gaining back all the weight you worked so hard to lose. Sticking to your diet can seem nearly impossible at times but you can do it. Here’s a few tips for staying with it to drop those pounds quicker.

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Fruits and Veggies: What’s Enough?
Diet Physicians Weight Loss Centers Diet Physicians Weight Loss Centers

Fruits and Veggies: What’s Enough?

Most of us, at some point during school, learned about the food pyramid in a health or science class. We were taught that breads, pasta, and cereal were the base of the pyramid, and should make up around 40% of our diets. The next level of the pyramid was fruits and vegetables at around 35% of our diet, but is this still relevant today? How many fruits and veggies should you really be incorporating into your diet?

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BMI: What It Measures, What It Doesn’t, and How To Fill In The Gaps
Diet, Women's Health Physicians Weight Loss Centers Diet, Women's Health Physicians Weight Loss Centers

BMI: What It Measures, What It Doesn’t, and How To Fill In The Gaps

Increasingly, fitness-focused folks have begun questioning whether their Body Mass Indicator (BMI) is actually a good indicator for weight loss. It’s the gold standard amongst physicians, many of whom argue that it’s a quick and simple way to determine a patient’s weight category and consequent risk of developing health problems, such as diabetes and heart disease.

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