Top 5 Lifestyle Changes for Weight Loss + Practical Application Pro Tips

How many fad diets can you name? Almost all of us can name, at least, a handful off the top of our heads--the Atkins Diet, the Ketogenic Diet, Veganism or even Raw Veganism for a start. Every fad diet has its own set of pros and cons, but these often extreme guidelines can be ultimately unsustainable if you don't decide on and implement your own personal strategy toward accomplishing your healthy benchmarks. If you choose to follow a diet plan, you should expect to follow one that will outline exactly what you should and should not eat. The problem is that they don't tell you how to arrange your life to meet and even exceed those objectives. To that end, we've compiled the following tried-and-true lifestyle changes that lead to weight loss, plus ideas about how you can put those changes into action in your own life. 

#1.) Drink More Water. This one's big, and we all know it. So, if drinking water is that much of a no-brainer, how come most of us don't consume enough of it? We need a system. To do this, first consider your day and the space in which you live or work. Would it make more sense to get your daily requirement in by filling up a couple of gallon jugs before work and keeping them with you throughout the day? Or, if you work from home, might it make sense to invest in several reusable water bottles (or even a set!) that you fill before bed so you have mobile water without a moment's hesitation? That way, if you need to run out for something, you can take your water with you without giving it any extra thought. *Speak with your doctor if you're unsure, but a good rule-of-thumb is to have 2 to 3 cups of water per hour. If the taste of water (or lack of) is a deterrent, try adding flavors to your water that support your diet program.

#2.) Exercise. Personal life coach and motivational speaker, Tony Robbins, reminds us that "motion is emotion." Working out helps us feel better on many levels; even one exercise session will clear our minds and help us follow through on our other lifestyle changes. Working out in the morning is ideal for multiple reasons, and one of the best ways to make sure you do this is to set your workout clothes out before you fall asleep. If you must exercise in the evenings, make sure to pack a bag the night before. And, if you're working out at home, try to set aside a dedicated space for movement--anything to get your head out of the fog and into the game! 

#3.) Sleep. There are lots of ways to trick your brain into winding down at a regular time every night. Try an app like Night Shift to cut blue light emissions from your phone or one like Insight Timer, which has thousands of sleep meditations, stories, and music. 

#4.) Nix Sugar. Both simple cards (think bread, pasta, and pastries) and sugar are absorbed and metabolized in the body in the same way. Don't just remove these items. Replace them with healthier versions. This way, you won't feel deprived of something you've probably relied upon for a long time. Replace, don't just remove. 

#5.) Snack Smart. Today's busy lifestyle has a lot of us grazing during the day. Instead of denying this reality, embrace it. Yes, you should keep snacks in your car. Should it be a big bag of potato chips? No. Since you're avoiding sugar and simple carbs, your best bet in each of the three macro categories are as follows: raw nuts for fats; beef or turkey jerky for protein; and rice cakes or chips for carbohydrates. 

These lifestyle changes rely on some extra, deliberate planning on your part. Try your best to see yourself and your behaviors honestly. Only you can fully optimize your life because you alone really know your most self-limiting habits, so do your best to maximize introspection and self-awareness. Armed with these healthy lifestyle changes and a plan of action to overcome (foreseeable) hurdles, you'll be on your way to a body in which you feel vital and alive!

Physicians Weight Loss Centers

Physicians Weight Loss Centers realizes that not every person responds to the same diet in the same way, or loses weight at the same rate. That's why we developed six distinct and effective weight loss systems to meet different lifestyle needs. At Physicians WEIGHT LOSS Centers®, we take the time to teach healthy habits that will last a lifetime.

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