Don’t Give Up On that Diet!
Diet Physicians Weight Loss Centers Diet Physicians Weight Loss Centers

Don’t Give Up On that Diet!

We say it all the time – we want to lose weight! We start diets, trying every fad we come across on the internet, willing to try anything. The pounds start to fall off and we feel pretty good and then, boom, a bad weekend happens where we go to a few parties, out to eat with friends, or maybe we just get tired and order a pizza. And then, before you know it, you’re gaining back all the weight you worked so hard to lose. Sticking to your diet can seem nearly impossible at times but you can do it. Here’s a few tips for staying with it to drop those pounds quicker.

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Eastern Vs. Western Acupuncture: Explained
Health Denver Holistic Medicine Health Denver Holistic Medicine

Eastern Vs. Western Acupuncture: Explained

Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the science-minded west has finally officially acknowledged this ancient eastern wisdom as an effective therapy for all sorts of ailments.

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Insurance Scams: Top Three Telltale Signs and How to Respond
Mental Health, Health, Women's Health, Health Insurance Suzanne Smaltz - HealthMarkets Mental Health, Health, Women's Health, Health Insurance Suzanne Smaltz - HealthMarkets

Insurance Scams: Top Three Telltale Signs and How to Respond

The process of finding and enrolling in the right health insurance program for you and your loved ones can seem overwhelming and complicated. That’s because it often is. Sifting through all the available options and considering the pros and cons of each is difficult enough to start with. Now, add to that scam artists trying to sell you fake insurance products, and you start to understand how easy it could be to jump on the wrong band wagon and wind up in a mess.

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