How to Lose Holiday Weight

With the holiday season coming to a close and a New Year right around the corner, it might be time to start your New Year’s resolution of losing weight or you may want to burn off the pounds from the holiday season. Here are a few tips for losing weight after the holidays: 

Start a New Diet

Every year it seems like there are hundreds of new fad diets that you hear about, but it can be difficult to find out which diet is best for you. Every single body is different and just because a certain diet works on another person does not mean it will also work on you. Finding the perfect diet that works for your body and your schedule may take some trial and error. It is best to consult a professional who will be able to work out a unique diet for you. 

Use an App to Track your Progress

The next tip is to use a mobile phone app to track your progress. There are many different apps you can find to count your calories, track your exercise, and meal plan. Apps are a good motivator because it gives you a visual representation of the progress you are making. Having this visual will help you reach and exceed your goals. iPhones have a built-in “health” app that can track your steps throughout the day. Set a goal for yourself of 10,000 steps a day and you will notice significant improvements. 

Exercise Classes

The next tip is to start taking an exercise class. There are so many new and unique classes that you are sure to find one that interests you. In the world of COVID-19, a lot of these classes can be done remotely at home so there is no stress of being watched or getting sick. Some examples of fun exercise classes are drumming, kickboxing, cycling, and dance fitness. Who says exercising can’t be fun? 

Drink a Gallon of Water a Day

The last tip is to try to drink one gallon of water a day. The first benefit of drinking a gallon a day is that it helps regulate your body temperature and bodily functions. This will increase your energy allowing you to be more active and healthy. Another benefit is that drinking water helps curb your appetite. When you do not drink enough water, your body will associate the feeling of thirst with hunger meaning you will eat more when really you just need more water!

If you are looking to shed off those holiday pounds, do some research about health and weight management programs in your area. They offer dieting plans to get your body to where you want!

Physicians Weight Loss Centers

Physicians Weight Loss Centers realizes that not every person responds to the same diet in the same way, or loses weight at the same rate. That's why we developed six distinct and effective weight loss systems to meet different lifestyle needs. At Physicians WEIGHT LOSS Centers®, we take the time to teach healthy habits that will last a lifetime.

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