Avoid Breaking Your Diet During the Holiday Season

How exciting is it that the holidays are around the corner! We can already smell the pumpkin pie, stuffing, and mac and cheese. During the holidays, it is so easy to overeat and feel very full. While of course, the true meaning of the holidays is to spend time with loved ones., it’s often easy to shift the focus to the delectable food that becomes available. While it is tempting to stuff your plate, by following these 5 strategies, you will feel pleased and content with your meal options.

Do Not Skip Meals

It’s very easy to think that you should skip prior meals to make room for one big meal. In reality, skipping meals to make room for one does more harm than good. When you attempt to ignore your hunger, your body might ignore its fullness by the time you are ready to indulge in the Holiday Season. Treat the holidays like any other day, and have the meals you would have on any other day.

Eat a Protein-filled Breakfast

Eating a meal like Greek yogurt or eggs is perfect for holiday breakfast. Protein breakfasts are great because they can help you feel full all day. Studies have shown that eating a protein-rich breakfast will help you to eat less. Be sure not to eat high sugar meals, as they can spike your blood sugar.

Light Exercise

A light exercise is a great idea for your holiday plans. Set an alarm and do a light workout to help curve some of the calorie intakes you plan for later. If you work out before your dinner, your body will want to replenish calories which will work in your favor.

Chew Your Food

During the holidays, it is so easy to eat your food so fast that you may not be chewing it properly. Be mindful of needing to chew your food with every bite, before you take more bites. It will also help you to slow down, avoid overeating, and digest your food properly. This will also help you to allow your body to feel full when it is ready to stop taking in food.

Enjoy the Moment

Before you get ready to dig into your delicious meal, take a second to appreciate the time with friends and family. Enjoy the delicious scents coming from your plate, and take a second to enjoy the company that you are surrounded with. Start meaningful conversations and catch up with loved ones. Take a moment to appreciate all that is around you.


Now that you are ready for dinner, go ahead and keep the momentum going throughout the rest of the holiday season and diet the right way!

Diet Center

Diet Center offers four of the most revolutionary and effective weight loss programs available in the industry. Our diet plans are designed by registered dietitians who ensure every plan stays up to date with current research and findings. 


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