5 Supplements to Help Kick Start Your Weight Loss Success

For most of us, weight loss will inevitably become a goal along the timeline of our health journey. And, with 2019's $72-billion-dollar estimated worth of the US weight loss and diet market, there certainly are plenty of diet supplements available on the shelves of our local drugstores. But, how do you tell the fact from the fiction? The short answer is research; you should do product-specific research every time you consider taking a new supplement. We'll give you a head start here, though. In a sea of seemingly unlimited amount of potential compounds in a given weight loss supplement, here are a few of the most potent examples we could find. 

Matcha green tea has known increased popularity in modern western culture but has its roots in ancient Chinese and Japanese traditions. Its extensive antioxidant profile provides an array of benefits, but its key applicability to weight loss is that the compound increases thermogenesis, or the body's rate of burning calories from 8-10% to 35-43% of daily energy expenditure, according to a study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 

Chromium Polynicotinate is known as an "essential trace element." The "trace" aspect means that only a small amount of this needs to exist in the body, but it's essential in that it can directly affect our our glucose metabolism and ability to lose weight. In addition to assisting in weight loss and easing other symptoms, finding this in a supplement can alleviate issues of anxiety, fatigue, and the delayed ability to heal. 

Hoodia Godonii 's therapeutic benefits may be found in a molecule called P57, which seems to have an effect on the hypothamalus, a part of the brain that regulates appetite. Experts familiar with hoodia, a succulent native to the Kalahari Desert, say it tricks the mind into believing it is full. 

Calcium Pyruvate is unique in its contribution to weight loss. It works by converting sugar and starches to energy and then using that energy to burn additional calories. According to a study by Nutrition, Calcium Pyruvate can be especially effective at the beginning of a weight loss regimen. Their research shows that one group of study participants, in conjunction with an exercise program, who were given 5 grams of the compound twice per day for 30 days lost 9 pounds on average. A second test group was given a placebo for the same time span, completing the same exercise program and lost only 6 pounds. 

Congugated Linoleic Acid, or CLA, is a fatty acid naturally found in dairy and meat products. CLA can potentially help decrease fat, strengthen muscle, and increase stamina. A review of 18 scientific studies shows that participants who took 3.2 grams of the supplement per day lost an average of .11 pounds per week as compared to a placebo group with no weight change. This compound may be particularly important in a vegan supplement program as its naturally- occurring source isn't part of a strictly plant-based diet. 

As an enhancement to proper diet and exercise plans, taking supplements can help you achieve your weight loss goals faster than if you go without. Each situation is different, and your needs will be unique. So, consulting with your doctor and researching nutrition plans, exercise programs, and supplement lists is important.

Diet Center

Diet Center offers four of the most revolutionary and effective weight loss programs available in the industry. Our diet plans are designed by registered dietitians who ensure every plan stays up to date with current research and findings. 


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