Healthy, Quick, and Easy Fall Snacks
Diet, Food Physicians Weight Loss Centers Diet, Food Physicians Weight Loss Centers

Healthy, Quick, and Easy Fall Snacks

Add these tasty treats to your menu if you want to shed pounds before the holiday season without giving up on the food you love. Each filling snack on our list will let you indulge your sweet tooth without expanding your waistline.

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The Best Way to Use a Meal Replacement Shake
Dieting Diet Center Dieting Diet Center

The Best Way to Use a Meal Replacement Shake

If we are serious about weight loss, we know we need to be serious about meal planning. But with busy lives, it is simply a fact that sometimes we run out of time to plan recipes ahead, draw up shopping lists, prep ingredients, and cook the meals we want to.

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What to Substitute to Satisfy your Cravings
Healthy snacks Diet Center Healthy snacks Diet Center

What to Substitute to Satisfy your Cravings

We all enjoy a good snack and there are times we just have to grab our favorite treat to satisfy that craving. But we can undo a lot of our good work on watching our weight if we let our craving lead to a binge – chips, ice cream and soda all come with a lot of calories to go with their delightful tastes and textures.

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Great Snacks for Weight Loss
Dieting, Healthy snacks Physicians Weight Loss Centers Dieting, Healthy snacks Physicians Weight Loss Centers

Great Snacks for Weight Loss

For many people trying hard to stick to a diet or lifestyle change, one of the hardest parts is eating well when hungry. It’s these moments when we’re hungry, irritated, and vulnerable that most often knock us off our diet. It’s moments like these when we find ourselves craving a snack to hold us over, to get us through the day, to quiet the stomach grumblings. I know the feeling.

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Drinking Water Can Boost the Results of Your Diet
Diet Center Diet Center

Drinking Water Can Boost the Results of Your Diet

We all have a little Bobby Boucher on our shoulders, reminding us to drink some high quality H2O. Yet even with the Waterboy’s pleading reminders, we somehow put it off or replace it with soda, energy drinks, coffees, and cocktails. But I’ve got a reason to drink water that just might motivate you to listen to this advice: drinking water can help boost the effectiveness of your diet and promote weight loss.

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The Costs of Dieting
Diet, Dieting Diet Center Diet, Dieting Diet Center

The Costs of Dieting

When you start a diet, you usually have a couple of things on your mind: losing that stubborn weight, slimming down, feeling better, and improving your health. Whether the motivation is overall health or fitting into those jeans you love, we’re usually more focused on the outcomes of dieting rather than the costs of dieting.

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Tips for Keeping Yourself Accountable While on a Diet
Diet Physicians Weight Loss Centers Diet Physicians Weight Loss Centers

Tips for Keeping Yourself Accountable While on a Diet

One of the hardest things about a diet is getting yourself to stick to it. It’s easy to set and start goals but the challenge is actually following through and sticking to them. Here are some tips to help you keep yourself accountable while on a diet.

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Foods to Eat that Speed Up Your Metabolism
Diet Physicians Weight Loss Centers Diet Physicians Weight Loss Centers

Foods to Eat that Speed Up Your Metabolism

YOUR metabolism – the way in which your body burns food and turns it into energy – is a key part of keeping yourself trim. And the faster your metabolic rate, the quicker you transform food into energy, so those looking to lose weight are continually seeking the Holy Grail – foods that will boost their metabolism.

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How the Diet Industry is Changing
Diet, Health Diet Center Diet, Health Diet Center

How the Diet Industry is Changing

DIETING has always been big business and as our focus on our health has come sharply into view over the past year, so the food and diet industry has responded. Dieting for the sake of just losing weight has fallen away quite sharply over the past few years, a combination of an increasing understanding of overall health and increasing information provided to consumers tanks to changes in FDA labeling rules.

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Good Carbs vs. Bad Carbs - Where to draw the line
Diet Diet Center Diet Diet Center

Good Carbs vs. Bad Carbs - Where to draw the line

There are many different opinions on the topic of eating carbs. Some people believe it's okay to eat them whereas others boycott the thought of it. Despite the many things that have been said about how bad carbs can be, there are good carbs that will benefit a person's health along with diet.  

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5 Supplements to Help Kick Start Your Weight Loss Success
Diet, Health Diet Center Diet, Health Diet Center

5 Supplements to Help Kick Start Your Weight Loss Success

For most of us, weight loss will inevitably become a goal along the timeline of our health journey. And, with 2019's $72-billion-dollar estimated worth of the US weight loss and diet market, there certainly are plenty of diet supplements available on the shelves of our local drugstores. But, how do you tell the fact from the fiction?

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Top 5 Lifestyle Changes for Weight Loss + Practical Application Pro Tips
Diet, Health Physicians Weight Loss Centers Diet, Health Physicians Weight Loss Centers

Top 5 Lifestyle Changes for Weight Loss + Practical Application Pro Tips

How many fad diets can you name? Almost all of us can name, at least, a handful off the top of our heads--the Atkins Diet, the Ketogenic Diet, Veganism or even Raw Veganism for a start. Every fad diet has its own set of pros and cons, but these often extreme guidelines can be ultimately unsustainable if you don't decide on and implement your own personal strategy toward accomplishing your healthy benchmarks. If you choose to follow a diet plan, you should expect to follow one that will outline exactly what you should and should not eat.

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