Good Carbs vs. Bad Carbs - Where to draw the line

There are many different opinions on the topic of eating carbs. Some people believe it's okay to eat them whereas others boycott the thought of it. Despite the many things that have been said about how bad carbs can be, there are good carbs that will benefit a person's health along with diet.  

What Makes a Carb?

Carbohydrates are a major macronutrient as well as one of the body's primary sources of energy. They are what contain naturally occurring starches, sugars, and fibers. All carbs contain sugar, but it is when two sugar molecules link together that it forms starches and fibers. After consumption, all of these molecules break down through the digestive system and form glucose. Glucose is an important energy source in the body because it helps power parts of the body like the brain and muscles. Carbs are very important within the body and its functioning.

Complex Carbs

What makes up a complex carb is mainly starch and fiber. They pack much more fiber in comparison to simple carbs, which makes complex carbs digest much slower. Slow digestion is better in terms of a diet because it will keep someone feeling filled up for longer which can prevent overeating. Fiber is also important with one’s health because it may benefit some people through controlling cholesterol, and even helping those with diabetes manage their blood pressure. Complex carbs are a smarter choice in comparison to simple carbs when it comes to what will benefit a person with their diet and health. 

Simple Carbs 

Simple carbs are sugars. Some of these occur naturally, however, many are added into foods. For example, fruits and vegetables are a good example of a simple carb that has natural sugars within it. Fruits and vegetables are a good carb because they are great sources of vitamins and minerals which are necessary for good health. Many of the sugars of simple carbs aren’t good for one’s health because they also are in many foods that compose of refined sugars like chips, baked goods, etc. It is important to be cautious of what type of simple carb you consume to make sure it benefits your health. 

Specific Carbs to Avoid vs Incorporate in a Diet

When looking at carbs and how to incorporate them into your diet it is important to be careful of the types of carbs you decide to eat. When viewing the difference between simple and complex carbs it shows to be important that you incorporate more complex carbs into a diet rather than a simple carb. This is because simple carbs contain more refined sugars and processed carbs that don’t benefit one’s health, whereas complex contains more fibers that benefit one's digestion, cholesterol, and even manage blood sugar. Specific foods containing carbs to incorporate into a diet are fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, whole grains, etc. Some examples of carbs that have negative effects on one’s health and diet are simple carbs like baked goods, cookies, and cakes, soda, certain juice concentrates, chips, etc.

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