Measuring Inches VS. Scale Weight


We can all say we have heard a commercial or two stating that you will lose 10 pounds in a week. One of our first thoughts was how? The thought of rapidly shedding pounds may sound great, but in reality, it is not sustainable weight loss. During those fad diets, you are typically losing water weight for the first several days, not fat. So the question remains: What is the best way to measure weight loss?

Many of us want to answer that question with a scale. In reality, a scale is not able to differentiate between fat and muscle, therefore your weight is not simply showing if you are losing fat. A scale is only able to tell you how much you weigh.

In contrast, you could consider using a tape measure. This method would have you physically measuring your body. Although this method also does not allow you to be given a difference between fat and muscle, you will have a better understanding of your weight loss. Seeing 1 pound of fat compared to 1 pound of muscle, you will notice that the fat is much larger than the muscle. This is because muscle is much more dense and compact than fat is, therefore taking up less space in your body. Using inches instead of pounds will create a more accurate reading of your weight loss.


In the end, being able to see and measure your results in inches is often more beneficial in recording weight loss than a scale because you may be losing fat but gaining muscle. This is often true for people participating in physical exercise to lose weight. Working out often creates muscle, which is not accounted for on the scale weight. On the other hand, it may be uncomfortable to use a tape measure on yourself, making the scale a better option for you. Neither option is perfect, so it is important to pick what you are comfortable with.

Weight loss is not something that happens overnight. Rather, it is a process that is guided in both lifestyle and diet choices. It is important to be purchasing diet foods from reputable brands. Our favorite is Diet Center, as they offer a variety of foods that are low in calories but high in nutrients. No matter how you measure your weight loss, make sure to have a diet that makes you feel happy and healthy.

Diet Center

Diet Center offers four of the most revolutionary and effective weight loss programs available in the industry. Our diet plans are designed by registered dietitians who ensure every plan stays up to date with current research and findings.

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