Relax into the new year: Benefits of massage therapy

‘Tis the season for shopping, making cookies, and driving here and there to visit friends and family. The holidays are a great time of the year, but sometimes they can be a time to get stressed out. What better way to start off the new year than with a rejuvenating massage? Getting a massage should be relaxing, but there are a number of other benefits of massage therapy as well. Here is a look at some of the benefits of massage therapy.

A Stress reducer

Mental and emotional stress can be exhausting and can have a physical impact on your body. Massage helps to decrease some of that stress and help you relax. A Swedish massage is a classic type of massage that uses long strokes and promotes relaxation.

Eases Tension

Another reason people can benefit from massage therapy is that it reduces pain, muscle soreness, and tension. It’s not only relaxing, but can help ease the tension in your shoulders that comes from sitting for long periods of time or being stressed out. Massage is also great for muscle soreness that comes from working out or playing sports.

Improves Circulation

Another great benefit to massage therapy is that it helps improve circulation and boosts your energy and alertness. Try out a massage to help you feel invigorated and strong. A Hot Stone Massage will leave you deeply relaxed and feeling more centered. 

There are many types of benefits to getting a massage, and there are a number of different types. At Holistic Massotherapy & Wellness, we offer a variety of different massages and are here to provide quality service from an experienced and knowledgeable staff. We welcome you to look through our services and invite you to book an appointment online. Visit us at We look forward to seeing you and to help you relax your way into the new year!

Holistic Massotherapy and Wellness

We specialize in customized sessions for restoration of the mind and body. At Holistic Massotherapy & Wellness we believe the Mind, Body, and Spirit has the ability to connect and heal through the power of touch. We are here to provide quality service, as well as caring, knowledgeable and experienced therapists for a rejuvenating, Full body massage experience to clients seeking in office and in home services.

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