Best Types of Music to Listen to During a Massage

Getting a massage is a great way to relax and take some time for some self-care. There are many other aspects that can go into self-care, however, and some of them happen to mix well with massotherapy. One of these things is music! Here are some of the best types of music you can relax to, whether you’re getting a massage or not.

Soothing Piano

One of the most relaxing types of music by far is instrumental piano– or any kind of instrumental music, for that matter. The structure and tune of most piano music has been shown to trigger the release of dopamine, which is the body’s natural “happy chemical”. This means that not only will you be more relaxed, you’ll also be happier both during and after your massage. Plus, without having words to focus on in the music, you can completely focus on yourself.

Listening to instrumental piano songs also comes with an added benefit for pianists. Studies have shown that simply listening to piano music can help you to improve your own skills on the instrument. This is sure to relax you next time you sit down to practice!

Sounds of Nature

Nature has a way of relaxing people, well, naturally. One of the most popular sounds for this is water. Whether you listen to the rain, ocean waves, or the sounds of a stream rippling by, you’ll be relaxed in no time. This is because the repetitive, simple sound of water induces a state of meditation, allowing us to rest and give our minds a break. 

Forest ambiance sounds are also great for this. According to scientists, the sound of the forest can decrease your body’s fight-or-flight response and increase its parasympathetic response, which is what allows you to be relaxed. This is because these sounds typically consist of constant noises that are pleasant for us. 

Classical Music

Three key things that are common in classical music are simplicity, transparency, and repetition. These characteristics have the same dopamine-inducing effects as instrumental piano. Classical music is also said to produce a more open and empathetic response from most people, which means that not only will classical music help you relax, it can also be very therapeutic. 

Classical music has also been shown to relieve anxiety and stress thanks to its repetition. If it’s your need to be productive that’s making you anxious, don’t worry– classical music can also help you be more productive since it can make repetitive tasks easier (or just go by faster!).

That being said, you can listen to whatever you like during a massotherapy session. Thanks to the availability of plenty of playlists, your local massage therapist should be able to accommodate you, no matter what. The important part is that your massage is relaxing and beneficial for you.

Holistic Massotherapy and Wellness

We specialize in customized sessions for restoration of the mind and body. At Holistic Massotherapy & Wellness we believe the Mind, Body, and Spirit has the ability to connect and heal through the power of touch. We are here to provide quality service, as well as caring, knowledgeable and experienced therapists for a rejuvenating, Full body massage experience to clients seeking in office and in home services.

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