Healthy Recipes for your Summer BBQ
Healthy Eating Physicians Weight Loss Centers Healthy Eating Physicians Weight Loss Centers

Healthy Recipes for your Summer BBQ

It is finally the time of year to go to a BBQ! Don’t let your diet prevent you from going or having one of your own. You can make a BBQ healthy with options that won’t leave you feeling bad about what you ate the next day. Be creative with your BBQ recipes!

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Tips for Getting Your Spring Body Ready
Health, Weight Loss Physicians Weight Loss Centers Health, Weight Loss Physicians Weight Loss Centers

Tips for Getting Your Spring Body Ready

This is the perfect time of year to think about springing forward, and we mean more than just daylight savings time. You can begin to work on jump-starting your body into the spring and summer body you’ve always wanted. Understandably, you might not know where to start, so here are some tips and tricks to get started on that spring body. 

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Great Snacks for Weight Loss
Dieting, Healthy snacks Physicians Weight Loss Centers Dieting, Healthy snacks Physicians Weight Loss Centers

Great Snacks for Weight Loss

For many people trying hard to stick to a diet or lifestyle change, one of the hardest parts is eating well when hungry. It’s these moments when we’re hungry, irritated, and vulnerable that most often knock us off our diet. It’s moments like these when we find ourselves craving a snack to hold us over, to get us through the day, to quiet the stomach grumblings. I know the feeling.

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Don’t Give Up On that Diet!
Diet Physicians Weight Loss Centers Diet Physicians Weight Loss Centers

Don’t Give Up On that Diet!

We say it all the time – we want to lose weight! We start diets, trying every fad we come across on the internet, willing to try anything. The pounds start to fall off and we feel pretty good and then, boom, a bad weekend happens where we go to a few parties, out to eat with friends, or maybe we just get tired and order a pizza. And then, before you know it, you’re gaining back all the weight you worked so hard to lose. Sticking to your diet can seem nearly impossible at times but you can do it. Here’s a few tips for staying with it to drop those pounds quicker.

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Fruits and Veggies: What’s Enough?
Diet Physicians Weight Loss Centers Diet Physicians Weight Loss Centers

Fruits and Veggies: What’s Enough?

Most of us, at some point during school, learned about the food pyramid in a health or science class. We were taught that breads, pasta, and cereal were the base of the pyramid, and should make up around 40% of our diets. The next level of the pyramid was fruits and vegetables at around 35% of our diet, but is this still relevant today? How many fruits and veggies should you really be incorporating into your diet?

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Top 5 Lifestyle Changes for Weight Loss + Practical Application Pro Tips
Diet, Health Physicians Weight Loss Centers Diet, Health Physicians Weight Loss Centers

Top 5 Lifestyle Changes for Weight Loss + Practical Application Pro Tips

How many fad diets can you name? Almost all of us can name, at least, a handful off the top of our heads--the Atkins Diet, the Ketogenic Diet, Veganism or even Raw Veganism for a start. Every fad diet has its own set of pros and cons, but these often extreme guidelines can be ultimately unsustainable if you don't decide on and implement your own personal strategy toward accomplishing your healthy benchmarks. If you choose to follow a diet plan, you should expect to follow one that will outline exactly what you should and should not eat.

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