How Often Should You Get A Massage?


How often do you think you should get a massage? The answer to this question depends on you and your lifestyle. To better understand how often one should get a massage, please refer to the general guidelines below for more information. 


If you are an athlete, it is recommended to receive a massage as often as it takes to help you reach your goals. Many athletes go through a routine massage daily to relax their muscles. Massages as an athlete can help you stay loose and ready for your next practice or competition. If you are an athlete looking to receive massages, refer to your training or competition schedule to find a massage routine that best suits you.


Massaging is a great way to help heal the soft tissue from injuries because it helps aid in circulation and the reduction of scar tissue that may form. After attending an initial session, it is important to work with your massage therapist/doctor to create a specialized workout/physical therapy plan for you based on the pain levels and find the right frequency of massages for you. 


Pain Management

Pain management is another common reason people opt into massage therapy. If you have pain from an injury or stress, massotherapy could be the solution for you. There are plenty of great massage techniques to help reduce pain. However, everyone experiences pain at different frequency levels, refer to a professional for further instruction on the exact frequency of your appointments. If you are experiencing extreme pain, you may benefit from receiving a massage 1 to 2 times a week. If you find that your pain or stress is lowered after a few visits, it may be wise to decrease the number of times you receive massages. 

Chronic Pain

Because massaging can help calm pains in your nervous system, massages can be a great way to reduce chronic pain. Similar to injury or pain management clients, the amount of massages depends on the type of pain and the level of pain. Some chronic pain patients receive massages every two to three weeks. If you are unsure if massage is right for you, consult a doctor for further advice. Your massage therapist can then create a plan that works best for you.

No matter what your massage needs are, we are willing to work with you and your situation to find the best solution. At Holistic Massotherapy and Wellness, we offer a vast number of massage services and will even create a customized massotherapy plan for you, no matter what kind of lifestyle you have!

Holistic Massotherapy and Wellness

We specialize in customized sessions for restoration of the mind and body. At Holistic Massotherapy & Wellness we believe the Mind, Body, and Spirit has the ability to connect and heal through the power of touch. We are here to provide quality service, as well as caring, knowledgeable and experienced therapists for a rejuvenating, Full body massage experience to clients seeking in office and in home services.

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