How Massage Can Aid and Improve Digestion


People commonly schedule a massage when they have sore muscles or are stressed out and need help relaxing. Of course, there are plenty of other reasons to get a massage. They can help with low-back pain, anxiety, and even sleep issues. But did you know massage can help with digestion? 

That’s right! Certain types of massage therapy can actually improve digestion and help alleviate digestive issues. In this post, we’re going to look at abdominal massage, how it works, and how it can improve digestion and certain digestive issues.

With that said, it’s important to note that abdominal massage is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have underlying health issues, please consult your doctor before getting a massage. 

What is abdominal massage?

Abdominal massage, also called stomach massage, is a form of massage therapy where the masseuse uses her fingertips and palms to gently manipulate the abdomen. This manipulation causes movement within the digestive tract. While some people may feel uncomfortable having their stomach massaged, abdominal massage can be very relaxing and can relieve stress. Stress relief alone helps digestion.

How does abdominal massage affect the body?

Abdominal massage is great for digestion. It enhances the natural, involuntary contraction of the small intestine—a process called peristalsis—which actually speeds up the digestive process. When peristalsis is sped up, your body is able to more quickly rid itself of waste, gas, and even toxins in the digestive tract. 

That means that stomach massage not only speeds up digestion, but it can also help alleviate constipation and excessive gas. And when you’re free of waste, gas, and toxins, you feel better, and your body works more efficiently. 

The great part about abdominal massage is that you can actually perform it on yourself. Some medical professionals advise performing abdominal massage multiple times per day, multiple days per week.

Other benefits of abdominal massage

Abdominal massage can have a number of benefits including, 

  • Helping you lose weight

  • Releasing physical and emotional tension

  • Enhancing relaxation

  • Strengthening abdominal muscles

  • Improving the health of your organs

  • And more!

But that’s not all. Abdominal massage has been shown to benefit those who suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis. However, you should not receive an abdominal massage during a flare up. Anyone with these conditions should consult their doctor before undergoing massage therapy. 

How to prepare for an abdominal massage

When preparing for a stomach massage, it is recommended that you drink plenty of water the day leading up to the massage and directly after the massage. The water helps to flush the toxins from your system. You also should not eat a large amount before your massage as you could experience discomfort. 

If you’re interested in abdominal massage therapy for digestion, talk to your massage therapist to see if they offer this service—not all do. Some massage therapists may refer to abdominal massage as lymphatic drainage. You can read more about the benefits of lymphatic drainage massage here.

Holistic Massotherapy and Wellness

We specialize in customized sessions for restoration of the mind and body. At Holistic Massotherapy & Wellness we believe the Mind, Body, and Spirit has the ability to connect and heal through the power of touch. We are here to provide quality service, as well as caring, knowledgeable and experienced therapists for a rejuvenating, Full body massage experience to clients seeking in office and in home services.

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