The Costs of Dieting

When you start a diet, you usually have a couple of things on your mind: losing that stubborn weight, slimming down, feeling better, and improving your health. Whether the motivation is overall health or fitting into those jeans you love, we’re usually more focused on the outcomes of dieting rather than the costs of dieting.

This can be a real problem. You don’t want to start a diet you can’t sustain because it costs too much, or takes too much time and energy. Before starting a new diet, consider the costs that come along with dieting. If you prepare for these costs ahead of time, you’re much more likely to stick with a diet and see lasting results.  

Financial costs


It’s easy to dive into a diet without considering the short and long-term costs. But the truth is, dieting costs money. When you start a diet, chances are good you’ll be buying foods you don’t normally buy. For example, Diet Center offers plans that contain recipes and suggestions for healthier eating options. You’ll probably find yourself shopping in the produce section more than the frozen food aisle. When you do that, you might notice that fresh produce adds up fast. Want to buy organic? The costs grow even faster. 

Some diets require you to purchase weekly or monthly meal plans. The cost of these plans may seem like a lot, but consider that they’re replacing part of what you would normally buy at the grocery store. Before starting a diet that requires a meal plan, calculate whether the cost of the meal plan is affordable. How about supplements? Will you be adding vitamins and other supplements to your daily diet? For example, the Diet Fast plan includes meal replacement bars, shakes, puddings, and a smart menu plan. For diets that include these kinds of items, calculate the cost over the year to make sure your diet is sustainable. If it’s not, look for more cost-effective alternatives. 

You also need to consider the cost of gym memberships and any exercise equipment you might need. Gym memberships can be pricey, but you can also find less expensive alternatives, like Plant Fitness. 

When you begin to lose weight, you might realize a new wardrobe is necessary. While this is exciting, it can be expensive. Buying new sets of work, casual, and exercise clothing can add up quickly, especially if you continue to slim down. We recommend setting aside money at the start of your diet for the clothes you may need once you start shedding pounds. 

Time and energy


Diets don’t just cost money. They cost time and energy. Like anything new, we have to learn, and learning takes time. If you’re eating healthier, chances are good you’re doing more cooking and less dining out. You might be packing your lunch, rather than ordering in. This takes intentional grocery shopping, meal prep, and cook time. Not to mention a fair amount of willpower. 

For most diets, fast food is no longer an option. So when you feel hungry, you can’t just run to a drive-thru and scarf down a burger. You have to be prepared for these moments of hungry vulnerability. That means having healthy snacks at the ready, which takes time and forethought. 

And don’t forget about the time you’ll be devoted to exercising. No matter how many times you’re planning on exercising per week, it will take time. Sometimes you won’t want to go to the gym, but those are the most important moments where you must push yourself and throw on your workout gear. 

Diets can cost you a lot of energy, especially at first. Of course, going to the gym, shopping, and meal prepping all require energy. But the diet itself may leave you feeling sapped for energy. When you change your diet by limiting your calorie intake and portions, you will feel it. You might feel hungry, lightheaded, and weak for the first few weeks. That’s your body adapting to working with less than it has come to expect. 

Prepare for the fact that you will probably feel hungry and sluggish by having diet-friendly snacks on hand. These snacks will curb your hunger and help you avoid running to a fast-food restaurant. Also, if you plan on exercising, expect that you may not feel as strong, your endurance may feel shorter. Don’t try to push yourself to your normal limits. Your body needs time to adjust.  

The costs are worth it

We don’t bring up these costs to scare anyone away from dieting. Really, it’s the opposite. When people think about these costs before starting a diet, they’re more likely to succeed because they’re more likely to choose sustainable diets. 

When you consider the cost of dieting, weigh them against the costs of not dieting. Unhealthy diets can lead to very expensive, life-altering health issues. When you compare the cost of an annual gym membership to future health issues and medical bills, the membership is the easy choice. The same goes for purchasing healthier foods. Healthier foods generally cost more but think of that extra money as an investment in your overall health and longevity.

Diet Center

Diet Center offers four of the most revolutionary and effective weight loss programs available in the industry. Our diet plans are designed by registered dietitians who ensure every plan stays up to date with current research and findings.

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