Tips for Keeping Yourself Accountable While on a Diet

One of the hardest things about a diet is getting yourself to stick to it. It’s easy to set and start goals but the challenge is actually following through and sticking to them. Here are some tips to help you keep yourself accountable while on a diet.

Stay Motivated


Sticking to a weight loss plan or a diet without any motivation to create a lifestyle change isn’t going to work. You need to have a desire for change and an understanding of why you are taking the steps to create a healthy life for yourself. It’s important to maintain a positive outlook during this process and not get discouraged easily because it will make the diet much more difficult. If it's hard to find motivation within yourself get a workout buddy. Having someone to workout with or even doing the same diet/lifestyle change as you will help to keep you on track. It will also create a sense of accountability between the both of you. 

Journaling daily whether it's about the weight loss journey or life in general can help clear your mind. Journaling is shown to be a way to give someone clarity by clearing their thoughts to see more important life lessons. 

Doing meditation calms your mind and body. It can create a sense of relief to help overcome the challenging activities and thoughts that happen throughout your day.

Try and find one positive thing that happened in your day that doesn’t solely have to do with your weight loss. For instance, creating a gratitude journal and writing about what you are grateful for will ease your mind to get you through struggles that can follow in the dieting process. 


Making your health and diet a priority in your daily life doesn’t mean you have to be obsessive about it. It just means that you need to take time out of your daily schedule to work out and eat healthily. 

Plan in advance what exercises you are going to do each day before you begin your day. If you have a planned workout you are more likely to stick to it and follow through with the workout as opposed to not being motivated to figure it out the day of.

Meal Prep can benefit a diet greatly. Make a healthy meal and dish it out into containers to preserve it for the week. A lot of time people eat unhealthy because that is what’s viewed as convenient. When you meal prep, however, you have healthy meals that you can quickly heat up to eat. 


A way you could prioritize your health is by adding more activity into your day. Even if they are just small things they will add up and make the difference in your weight loss journey. You can do things like go for a walk in your free time, do a quick workout, etc.

Track Progress

When losing weight tracking your progress is key. You can track it through weight, food log, workouts are done, progress photos, etc. With these methods, you can see the transformation taking place. If you aren’t seeing the results you expected then that tells you something needs to be changed. This is one of the best ways to help you realize if your plan isn’t quite right for you.

Don’t let your mind discourage you. A diet and healthy life change is a reachable goal no matter the person. It all depends on your accountability and how badly you want to create the change for yourself. Physicians Weight Loss Center wants to help you stick to your diet and make that change you desire. Visit their website today for more information and more resources to help you make a healthy change!

Physicians Weight Loss Centers

Physicians Weight Loss Centers realizes that not every person responds to the same diet in the same way, or loses weight at the same rate. That's why we developed six distinct and effective weight loss systems to meet different lifestyle needs. At Physicians WEIGHT LOSS Centers®, we take the time to teach healthy habits that will last a lifetime.

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