Aromatherapy & mood Enhancement - holiday edition
Mental Health Wax Poetic Candle Bar Mental Health Wax Poetic Candle Bar

Aromatherapy & mood Enhancement - holiday edition

Have you ever walked into a bakery and the smell of fresh baked pastries instantly lightens your mood and makes you happy. How about feeling a sense of calm take over when you're walking through a park with fresh flowers all around? The association of scent and mood is not a fiction poets came up with, our olfactory receptors are directly connected to the limbic system which is known as the seat of emotions.

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The importance of protein in your diet 
Physicians Weight Loss Centers Physicians Weight Loss Centers

The importance of protein in your diet 

The cells in the human body carry protein. The structure of protein is a chain of amino acids. Protein in your diet repairs cells and helps make new ones. In digestion, the amino acids of the protein are broken down, and the body needs large amounts of those amino acids to maintain good health.

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Holistic Healthcare vs Western Medicine
Health Denver Holistic Medicine Health Denver Holistic Medicine

Holistic Healthcare vs Western Medicine

How many times have you been to the doctor and you feel as if you are not being heard and you leave without the answers to your questions? It is common to go to the doctor’s and feel like just another appointment in a full day. The root of your issue is not discovered, but you probably head home with a prescription to treat one of your symptoms that may or may not help, but almost certainly will come with less than desirable side effects. In the end it's possible to end up feeling worse than when you started the process both physically and emotionally. For this reason, alternative approaches to medicine such as holistic healthcare have become more popular. You have a choice on how you take care of your body and to discover why western medicine may not be the best option out there.

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The Healing power of Touch to Transform Your LIfe
Self Care Holistic Massotherapy and Wellness Self Care Holistic Massotherapy and Wellness

The Healing power of Touch to Transform Your LIfe

Don’t you always feel better when someone gives you a big bear hug or just squeezes your hand in reassurance? The contact from person to person can be the best medicine. The power of touch is a point considered not only in nonverbal communication but in the healing properties of it. Touching signals both safety and trust, and can also soothe a person. Massages are the best example of how healing touch can be.

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Don’t Give Up On that Diet!
Diet Physicians Weight Loss Centers Diet Physicians Weight Loss Centers

Don’t Give Up On that Diet!

We say it all the time – we want to lose weight! We start diets, trying every fad we come across on the internet, willing to try anything. The pounds start to fall off and we feel pretty good and then, boom, a bad weekend happens where we go to a few parties, out to eat with friends, or maybe we just get tired and order a pizza. And then, before you know it, you’re gaining back all the weight you worked so hard to lose. Sticking to your diet can seem nearly impossible at times but you can do it. Here’s a few tips for staying with it to drop those pounds quicker.

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Tips for Sticking to Your Training Routine
Fitness Blackmetal Strength Training Fitness Blackmetal Strength Training

Tips for Sticking to Your Training Routine

It can be challenging to stick to a fitness routine. There are many distractions, personal and professional scheduling problems, and motivational issues that can prevent a trainee from getting into the gym when they need to. There are a few pieces of advice that will help improve compliance, and as a result, progress.

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Tips for Keeping Your Immune System in Tip-Top Shape This Fall
Health Denver Holistic Medicine Health Denver Holistic Medicine

Tips for Keeping Your Immune System in Tip-Top Shape This Fall

That cool tinge to the air can only mean one thing: fall has arrived. That’s right, it’s here once again and so are some of our favorite things like cute sweaters and scarves, pumpkin-flavored everything, and, of course, spooky season. But even though there’s a lot of love about fall, it means colder weather and less time spent outdoors. People tend to gather together more in warm, enclosed spaces during the colder months, increasing the risk of transmitting illnesses to each other.

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Working Out Won’t Help You Lose Weight
Health Diet Center Health Diet Center

Working Out Won’t Help You Lose Weight

It may come as a surprise to some that working out doesn’t help you to lose weight. According to research published in Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, there are different types of training & exercise that have varying percentages of weight loss. There are 4 types: resistance training, aerobic only, aerobic & exercise training and diet. Diet mostly accounts for the most percentage of weight loss and the rest are ranging from zero to three percent of weight loss. Despite all that, there is an alternative to exercising: Weight Loss Supplements.

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Fruits and Veggies: What’s Enough?
Diet Physicians Weight Loss Centers Diet Physicians Weight Loss Centers

Fruits and Veggies: What’s Enough?

Most of us, at some point during school, learned about the food pyramid in a health or science class. We were taught that breads, pasta, and cereal were the base of the pyramid, and should make up around 40% of our diets. The next level of the pyramid was fruits and vegetables at around 35% of our diet, but is this still relevant today? How many fruits and veggies should you really be incorporating into your diet?

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Botox vs Cosmetic Injections
Women's Health, Body Products, Health Denver Holistic Medicine Women's Health, Body Products, Health Denver Holistic Medicine

Botox vs Cosmetic Injections

Cosmetic injection therapy has risen in popularity over the past few decades, and BOTOX® has been its poster child. But, BOTOX® isn’t the only injectable that can rid your face of the wrinkles and fine lines that inevitably accompany age. Cosmetic injections bestow a youthful appearance on their recipient, too! If you’re new to the world of injectables, a quick comparison of BOTOX® vs cosmetic injections can help you identify the right choice for your cosmetic goals! 

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Prenatal Massage: Benefits to Mom and Baby
Women's Health, Pregnancy Holistic Massotherapy and Wellness Women's Health, Pregnancy Holistic Massotherapy and Wellness

Prenatal Massage: Benefits to Mom and Baby

Therapeutic massage of all kinds has been scientifically proven to improve overall health markers for the body, mind, and emotions. For centuries, healers have used the power of intentional touch to help cure the ailments of countless patients, and each form of massage does so in its own unique way. This holds true for pregnancy massage, which extends benefits to the mom-to-be and to her bundle of joy on the way!

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How to Improve Your Financial Health by Tending to Your Physical Health
Health, Wealth Holistic Massotherapy and Wellness Health, Wealth Holistic Massotherapy and Wellness

How to Improve Your Financial Health by Tending to Your Physical Health

Health and wealth are inextricably linked in many ways. Taking good care of yourself by living a healthy lifestyle can put (or keep) money in your pocket both directly and indirectly. The immediate savings are important, but there are long-term financial benefits to making healthy choices, as well. Here, we’ll provide some examples of how tending to your physical health now improves your fiscal health presently and long into the future.

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Top 5 Methods to Boost Your Immune System
Denver Holistic Medicine Denver Holistic Medicine

Top 5 Methods to Boost Your Immune System

A healthy immune system improves happiness and vitality markers; it also reduces your likelihood of contracting a viral infection, such as COVID-19, or the flu. If you’re looking to boost the effectiveness of your immune system, read on for five science-backed tips to strengthen your immune response quickly and effectively!

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BMI: What It Measures, What It Doesn’t, and How To Fill In The Gaps
Diet, Women's Health Physicians Weight Loss Centers Diet, Women's Health Physicians Weight Loss Centers

BMI: What It Measures, What It Doesn’t, and How To Fill In The Gaps

Increasingly, fitness-focused folks have begun questioning whether their Body Mass Indicator (BMI) is actually a good indicator for weight loss. It’s the gold standard amongst physicians, many of whom argue that it’s a quick and simple way to determine a patient’s weight category and consequent risk of developing health problems, such as diabetes and heart disease.

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What is Cellulite and How Can You Keep it at Bay?
Physicians Weight Loss Centers Physicians Weight Loss Centers

What is Cellulite and How Can You Keep it at Bay?

No one likes to have their legs compared to food, but describing cellulite as having an “orange peel” or “cottage cheese “ texture truly isn’t that far from the mark. Cellulite—a skin condition that causes lumps and dimples in the skin around the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen— is harmless and extremely common.

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The Health Benefits of Cupping
Holistic Massotherapy and Wellness Holistic Massotherapy and Wellness

The Health Benefits of Cupping

The practice of “cupping” is all the rage in the alternative medicine community, but this trendy technique is anything but new. Cupping is the ancient practice of placing cups, typically glass domes, on the skin to create a suction effect meant to facilitate healing by promoting blood flow.

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Eastern Vs. Western Acupuncture: Explained
Health Denver Holistic Medicine Health Denver Holistic Medicine

Eastern Vs. Western Acupuncture: Explained

Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the science-minded west has finally officially acknowledged this ancient eastern wisdom as an effective therapy for all sorts of ailments.

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