Tips for Keeping Yourself Accountable While on a Diet
Diet Physicians Weight Loss Centers Diet Physicians Weight Loss Centers

Tips for Keeping Yourself Accountable While on a Diet

One of the hardest things about a diet is getting yourself to stick to it. It’s easy to set and start goals but the challenge is actually following through and sticking to them. Here are some tips to help you keep yourself accountable while on a diet.

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What is Cellulite?
Physicians Weight Loss Centers Physicians Weight Loss Centers

What is Cellulite?

FEATURED on so many magazine covers as a curse to be obliterated, what is cellulite?

A whole industry has grown up and around ways to banish cellulite, but it is a perfectly normal part of a woman’s body and has no health implications at all.

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Benefits of Herbs and Natural Remedies
Holistic Healthcare Holistic Massotherapy and Wellness Holistic Healthcare Holistic Massotherapy and Wellness

Benefits of Herbs and Natural Remedies

Sweet, spicy, savory - herbs are a must when preparing a delicious meal! But did you know that for centuries the same herbs you use to make your dinner pop have been used as healthy natural remedies? If you are using these herbs only to enhance the flavor while you cook, you are missing out on vast untapped health benefits. 

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The Romance of Cooking With Your Significant Other
Cooking, Seasonings Julia Belle's Seasonings Cooking, Seasonings Julia Belle's Seasonings

The Romance of Cooking With Your Significant Other

PREPARING and eating food is a universal constant – every single one of us must eat to survive, but the day-in, day-out need to cook can get dull. Instead of seeing cooking as a chore, another thing to argue over whose turn it is to grab a frozen ready meal and sling it in the microwave, take the time to whip up a feast with your loved one. A task shared is a task halved – and doing things with another is simply much more fun anyway, especially someone you love.

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Why is Dental Health Important for Your Dog?
Pet Health Creekside Animal Clinic Pet Health Creekside Animal Clinic

Why is Dental Health Important for Your Dog?

A DOG’S teeth are vital for its overall health – as any dog lover knows all too well, dogs use their mouths for pretty much everything from eating to playing. So, your furry friend has bad teeth it will not be living its life to the maximum – but it is quite straightforward to help your canine companion have top-quality teeth.

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Foods to Eat that Speed Up Your Metabolism
Diet Physicians Weight Loss Centers Diet Physicians Weight Loss Centers

Foods to Eat that Speed Up Your Metabolism

YOUR metabolism – the way in which your body burns food and turns it into energy – is a key part of keeping yourself trim. And the faster your metabolic rate, the quicker you transform food into energy, so those looking to lose weight are continually seeking the Holy Grail – foods that will boost their metabolism.

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How the Diet Industry is Changing
Diet, Health Diet Center Diet, Health Diet Center

How the Diet Industry is Changing

DIETING has always been big business and as our focus on our health has come sharply into view over the past year, so the food and diet industry has responded. Dieting for the sake of just losing weight has fallen away quite sharply over the past few years, a combination of an increasing understanding of overall health and increasing information provided to consumers tanks to changes in FDA labeling rules.

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How Food Brings People Together
Cooking, Seasonings Julia Belle's Seasonings Cooking, Seasonings Julia Belle's Seasonings

How Food Brings People Together

ONE of the quirks of the COVID pandemic is that people have lost the sense of taste and smell as a symptom of the illness.

While on one hand, this would appear to be a more trivial issue to deal with compared to the many other complications of the coronavirus, on the other those that have lost these senses have reported great difficulty in enjoying meals or even wanting to bother eating at all.

And as we all know, not only is food rather essential to staying alive and healthy, but it is also undeniably one of the most fundamental human conditions to want to enjoy and share food with each other.

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The Starting Strength Method - Why This Method Delivers Superior Results
Fitness Blackmetal Strength Training Fitness Blackmetal Strength Training

The Starting Strength Method - Why This Method Delivers Superior Results

The Starting Strength Method is currently the most effective way to get strong quickly and safely. In the first month, a typical trainee should add at least 60lb to their squat and deadlift, and 30lb to their bench and press. The method is usually thought of as just the programming: the prescribed sets, reps, weights, and exercises, but it's more than that. The method is two parts: the programming and the technique of the exercises. These two parts are what makes the method so effective and safe.

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What is reiki?
Health, Holistic Healthcare Holistic Massotherapy and Wellness Health, Holistic Healthcare Holistic Massotherapy and Wellness

What is reiki?

The word “Reiki” means “mysterious atmosphere, miraculous sign.” It comes from the Japanese words “rei” (universal) and “ki” (life energy). Reiki is a type of energy healing; energy healing is a holistic practice that activates the body's subtle energy systems to remove blocks.

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Strength Training VS. Cardio
Fitness, Health Blackmetal Strength Training Fitness, Health Blackmetal Strength Training

Strength Training VS. Cardio

Strength is the place to put your time, money, and energy, even if cardio is fun and readily accessible. There is a large misunderstanding on how the human body adapts to physical activity. The questions "should I do cardio for weight loss?", "if I do strength training, don't I have to do cardio too?", "won't having bigger muscles hurt my cardio?" come up a lot. The overarching answer to these questions is that strength training will improve your cardio substantially, but cardio will not help your strength much.

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Good Carbs vs. Bad Carbs - Where to draw the line
Diet Diet Center Diet Diet Center

Good Carbs vs. Bad Carbs - Where to draw the line

There are many different opinions on the topic of eating carbs. Some people believe it's okay to eat them whereas others boycott the thought of it. Despite the many things that have been said about how bad carbs can be, there are good carbs that will benefit a person's health along with diet.  

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