Valentine’s Day Yoga Poses for Couples
couples yoga Falls Yoga and Barre couples yoga Falls Yoga and Barre

Valentine’s Day Yoga Poses for Couples

This Valentine’s Day you and your partner can strengthen your relationship and your muscles through couples yoga! A few reasons to do couples yoga with your partner is that it increases communication, trust, satisfaction, and improves your sex life. Couples yoga can also reduce anxiety and stress for both people! Here is a list of poses to try with your partner this Valentine’s Day!

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Let’s Exercise!
Diet Center, Weight Loss, Wellness, Health Diet Center Diet Center, Weight Loss, Wellness, Health Diet Center

Let’s Exercise!

Dieters can often see great success in the early days of their new lifestyle – but quickly lose heart when the weight loss slows or stalls.It is important to keep going – this is a whole lifestyle change, not a one-and-done exercise. Your early determination coupled with starting at a higher number of pounds many times does mean a sharp drop in the number on the scales.

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How to Get your Body Spring Break Ready
Dieting Physicians Weight Loss Centers Dieting Physicians Weight Loss Centers

How to Get your Body Spring Break Ready

Spring break is just around the corner if you may be planning a trip to someplace warm to escape the bitter cold of Northeast Ohio. You also may be stressing that your body is not bathing suit ready after the holiday season. With spring break about two months away, this is the perfect time to start your weight loss journey. Here are a few tips to get you started:

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Best Types of Music to Listen to During a Massage
Massage Therapy Holistic Massotherapy and Wellness Massage Therapy Holistic Massotherapy and Wellness

Best Types of Music to Listen to During a Massage

Getting a massage is a great way to relax and take some time for some self-care. There are many other aspects that can go into self-care, however, and some of them happen to mix well with massotherapy. One of these things is music! Here are some of the best types of music you can relax to, whether you’re getting a massage or not.

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How Yoga Can Help You Keep Your Resolutions
Yoga, Health Falls Yoga and Barre Yoga, Health Falls Yoga and Barre

How Yoga Can Help You Keep Your Resolutions

Millions of people worldwide make resolutions to somehow better themselves in the New Year. Unfortunately, far fewer people actually stick to them after a couple of weeks. This is because so many of us set ourselves up for failure by not having a plan or incorporating something we love to motivate ourselves. If you love yoga, here are a few ways you can use it to help you keep your resolutions!

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How to Lose Holiday Weight
Weight Loss Physicians Weight Loss Centers Weight Loss Physicians Weight Loss Centers

How to Lose Holiday Weight

With the holiday season coming to a close and a New Year right around the corner, it might be time to start your New Year’s resolution of losing weight or you may want to burn off the pounds from the holiday season. Here are a few tips for losing weight after the holidays:

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Avoid Breaking Your Diet During the Holiday Season
Diet Center Diet Center

Avoid Breaking Your Diet During the Holiday Season

How exciting is it that the holidays are around the corner! We can already smell the pumpkin pie, stuffing, and mac and cheese. During the holidays, it is so easy to overeat and feel very full. While of course, the true meaning of the holidays is to spend time with loved ones., it’s often easy to shift the focus to the delectable food that becomes available. While it is tempting to stuff your plate, by following these 5 strategies, you will feel pleased and content with your meal options.

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How Yoga Can Bring People Together
Yoga Falls Yoga and Barre Yoga Falls Yoga and Barre

How Yoga Can Bring People Together

Whether you celebrate the winter holidays or not, this time of year is a great opportunity to spend time with friends, family, and everyone you care about. Spending time with your loved ones this season doesn’t mean you have to put your healthy lifestyle on hold. Here are some great ways that yoga can help bring people together.

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Healthy Alternatives for Thanksgiving Recipes
Recipes, Health T&C Fitness Recipes, Health T&C Fitness

Healthy Alternatives for Thanksgiving Recipes

It may be hard to believe, but Thanksgiving is right around the corner! Many people trying to adhere to a healthy lifestyle or weight loss journey dread this holiday because of all of the food associated with it. But fear not! We have some delicious Thanksgiving recipes for you that won’t ruin your diet.

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Which is better for losing weight? Diet or exercise?
Physicians Weight Loss Centers Physicians Weight Loss Centers

Which is better for losing weight? Diet or exercise?

Weight loss is a very difficult process for most people because there are two ways you can go about it. Most people think of either exercise or diet, but the question is which of these methods is most effective. Since everyone’s body is different, one method may work better for you than the other. Overall, we have found that dieting works better to lose weight.

The key to losing weight via diet is to eat less calories than you are burning. First, you need to find out how many calories you burn in a day. This is determined by your age, weight, height, and activity level. We recommend either going to a doctor or an online calorie calculator. Once you see your maintenance calories, you should gradually lower your calorie intake to be several hundred calories below the recommended calories to eat. If you are eating more than your maintenance calories, slowly work your way down. The key is to decrease your calorie consumption slowly, otherwise your body will go into starvation mode, which will stall your metabolism.

Decreasing your calorie intake may seem nearly impossible to many of us, but luckily there are a variety of low calorie foods that are also filling. For example, many fruits and vegetables are very low in calories. Make sure you find out how many calories are in the produce before eating large quantities of them, but generally they are lower in calories than many other snacks. In addition, there are many other low calorie snack options on the market. Some of our favorites are these pretzel twists and cheddar bites. The most important thing is to find snacks you enjoy.

Lastly, you have to consider the meals you are going to eat. Unfortunately, most fast food and take out options are high in calories. We all know that salads are low calorie, as well as chicken and rice. Sometimes we all need a little bit of change from that. Our favorite meal replacements are shakes and protein bars. They are very filling and protein rish, keeping you satisfied longer. Having food that you like is an important part of dieting, so make sure you try a variety of options to make sure you love what you are eating.

Dieting is the most effective way to lose weight. To do so, it is important to have food that you enjoy eating because it will make the process much easier. Check out some of our favorite options from Physician Weight Loss Center. Make an informed decision on weight loss and seek professional help if it is needed. Make sure you find a diet that allows you to be happy with your food choices, but still help you lose weight.

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Massage Myths Debunked
Massage Therapy, Myths Holistic Massotherapy and Wellness Massage Therapy, Myths Holistic Massotherapy and Wellness

Massage Myths Debunked

While it may come as a surprise, there are many myths surrounding the art of massage and massotherapy. Is it really beneficial? Is it safe? How should you feel afterward? We’re here to answer these questions and debunk some common myths about getting a massage!

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Yoga Poses to do at Your Desk at Work
Yoga, Wellness Falls Yoga and Barre Yoga, Wellness Falls Yoga and Barre

Yoga Poses to do at Your Desk at Work

You’re sitting at your desk after you’ve answered your umpteenth e-mail for the day and you feel the strain in your back as you reach for your next sip of coffee. Sound familiar? If so, you may benefit from incorporating some yoga moves into your workday. Here are some easy moves to sneak into your busy schedule.

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Best Types of Yoga for Each Stage of Life
Yoga, Lifestyle Falls Yoga and Barre Yoga, Lifestyle Falls Yoga and Barre

Best Types of Yoga for Each Stage of Life

Yoga is one of the best ways to reach your highest sense of self and relaxation, but every single body is different. What’s the best type of yoga to practice for you? The easiest way to start your yoga journey is simply typing into Google “yoga for *insert age here*”, but no worries, below is a list of yoga practices for each walk of life!

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